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Links Collection
These pages contain links to various sites of interest to people working in an editorial capacity. As the Electric Editors project expands, more pages will be added, covering a greater range of subject areas. If you have any suggestions for links pages that you would like to see included here, please send an email to ElectricEds@bigfoot.com, putting [Resources] in the subject line.

Online library catalogues
Searchable catalogues from university and other research libraries in Europe and the United States
Links to publishers home pages; many of these sites include searchable catalogues
Includes editing/publishing-related associations, government offices etc.
Online dictionaries and encyclopaedias, specialist glossaries, virtual libraries, biographic resources
Style, grammar and usage
Advice from the experts
Translating and interpreting
Organizations and information for translators and interpreters
Writers' resources on the web, literary sites, the history of the book and publishing
Just for fun
Kick off your shoes and relax for a while!
Indexing and abstracting organizations on the web
Biological sciences
Information on biological and medical subjects, including searchable databases and journal abbreviations
Journal resources
Searchable tables of contents, access to abstracts, information on electronic journals etc.
Government and politics
Links to government servers; current affairs and politics; online newspapers
The "Grapevine" page
Computer-related links, including the Year 2000 problem, software, HTML, SGML

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