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Acronym and abbreviation list
British National Corpus
Database of current British English, designed to be used by researchers, dictionary compilers etc
The Electric Library (no relation!)
The Electric Library searches simultaneously through reference books such as Colliers Encyclopaedia and millions of magazine and newspaper articles. This service costs $10 per month, but there is no limit on the number of articles/searches
Glossary of the European Communities and European Union
Acronyms, initiatives, institutions, policies, programmes and terms
Glossary of financial terms
New York Stock Exchange
Military terms
Downloadable Windows help file
Notable Citizens of Planet Earth
Biographical information
Online dictionary
On-line dictionaries
Including many languages, synonyms, etc.
Starting Point
List of online reference resources
Virtual Library
World Wide Web Consortium's (w3) virtual library
Word Online and Term Online
A wide selection of general language dictionaries, including slang and abbreviations, plus a collection of glossaries from various specialized fields.
Yahoo!'s Dictionaries
List of online dictionaries
Yahoo!'s Encyclopaedias
List of online encyclopaedias
Other Resources Pages
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Online library catalogues
Style, grammar and usage
Translating and interpreting
Just for fun
Biological sciences
Journal resources
Government and politics
The "Grapevine" page