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Mailing Lists
Thank you for stopping by! The Electric Editors produce three mailing lists: EDline, Grapevine and LANGline. Each is available only upon subscription ... but you'll be pleased to hear that joining the Electric Editors and subscribing to one or all mailing lists is free!

You can subscribe to as many of the lists as you think you'll have time to read.

Please note: the views expressed in all the mailing lists are strictly those of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the moderators or the Electric Editors.

What is EDline?

EDline provides the opportunity for online discussion of matters editorial and editorial business, and to provide prompt answers to vexing language questions.

For further information, see the EDline top page.

What is Grapevine?

Grapevine is concerned with computers. It is a discussion forum for those working with computers within the UK publishing industry. Editorial matters, including questions relating to the editing of computer books, are covered by EDline, the editorial mailing list.

For further information, see the Grapevine top page.

What is LANGline?

LANGline links up people working with modern languages, and helps keep those interested up-to-date with the current issues and developments in working with languages.

For further information, see the LANGline top page.

Subscribing to a list

It costs nothing to subscribe to EDline, Grapevine or LANGline and there are no passwords to remember.

There are several ways to subscribe to our lists. If you'd like to read messages as they are posted, simply type your e-mail address into the appropriate box below and click on the 'Join List' button.

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If that doesn't work for any reason, then either send a blank e-mail to
ee_edline-subscribe@listbot.com (for EDline),
ee_grapevine-subscribe@listbot.com (for Grapevine) or
ee_lline-subscribe@listbot.com (for LANGline),
or send a message to ElectricEds@bigfoot.com asking for an automated subscription.

If you would prefer to read any particular list as a weekly digest, send an e-mail to ElectricEds@bigfoot.com with "Subscribe [Edline digest]", "Subscribe [Grapevine digest]" or "Subscribe [LANGline digest]" as the subject line.

You can subscribe to as many of the lists as you think you'll have time to read.


All messages of an administrative nature for any of the three lists should be directed to the following addresses:

EDline: bywater@zetnet.co.uk

Grapevine: gv_admin@ikingston.demon.co.uk

LANGline: Kopp@zetnet.co.uk

If you don't receive a reply (perhaps because one of us is on holiday), write to: ElectricEds@bigfoot.com.

Back issues

All back issues of each of the three lists are available from the Electric Editors' Archives.