From: Steve Gardner
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 17:00:57 +0100
Hi John
>>You cant just remove a way of life for a percentage of the users of the Net,
>>all you can do is make your additions so good that they slowly over time
>>superseed older ways. The Net is a very big place and nothing changes fast.
>Yes, I agree with your evolution principle. But wouldn't you say that things like Java
have happened very fast? Now, I am told to be part of Microsoft Windows OS!
Yes, things like JAVA have happened very fast, but JAVA is realy only a bolt on
which you can take or leave, that runs on top of existing protocols.
If you were to try and implement your ideas over the existing http you will
end up with a shadow of your true vision. Your changes are realy at a very low
level, and of a fundermental nature. Either that or you compromise your plans
and end up with "JAVA II" :) which would be much easier to integrate into the
Net, but would defeat the objectives that you have setout to achieve.
>>You sugest that telnet is already historic, but Im sure that you will find the
>>telnet facility onto your own website very usefull ;)
>Could you give me more info on this please.
Your New Setup :)
user: brain
FTP (public ftp)
user: t-brain
I will tack a list of supported commands to the end of this mail, but any extra
standard UNIX commands that you wish your telnet facility to offer can be added.
>>The will infact work, but this is only because the FTP server
>>and the WWW server are actualy running on the same phisical machine. If a site
>>gets millions of hits then the load on both WWW server and FTP server can
>>become to much for the host machine. When this happens you can either buy a
>>bigger/faster machine or split the load over two machines (which is far more
>>cost efective :).
>If that did happen couldn't I then register a new domain
Yes, well not register, once you own a domain, you can just add extra
sub-domains at will. My point was that there is a need for prefixes such as
www ftp etc, although in your case will suffice.
>Thanks, any info on controlling log scripts would be much appreciated.
No probs :)
Your log files are now stored on your server,
Info on your telnet :)
UNIX bourn shell
List of commands -
awk basename cal cat chmod clear compress cp csh date df echo expr fgrep find
finger grep gzip hostname httpd join ls mail mkdir more mv perl ping pwd rm
rmdir sed sh sleep sort split tail tar test tr uncompress unzip uudecode
uuencode vi wc zip
I hope this info is usefull.
Cheers, Steve.