J & F Howard Ploughing Engine, S class, 8nhp, Works No.110, Reg. No. AP 9197
Built in 1876, this is the one of the older ploughing engines in preservation in Britain
Foden Tractor, 4nhp, 8.5ton
Built 1928, No.13068
Reg. No. EU 3764
Tasker B2 tractor, (Little Giant)
convertable, 5nhp
'St Amant'
Built 1923, No.1902
Reg. No. KL 988
Aveling & Porter, Class E single cylinder roller
6nhp, 10ton
Built 1922 No.10372
Reg. No. ME 5769
Armstrong Whitworth roller
compound, 5nhp, 10 ton
Built 1923, No. 10R2
Reg. No. BD 5711
Burrell Traction Engine
compound, 6nhp, 11ton
Built 1909, No.3126
Reg. No. BJ 7155
Garrett Traction Engine
single cylinder, 7nhp, 9.5ton
Built 1909, No.28218
Reg. No. CF 3556