Homework Handin Deadlines

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S3 pupils, you will notice that there is a lot of homework in this first topic. Please do your best - if you can't manage everything, make sure that what you do hand in is neat and thorough. Homework load will ease off in the second topic.

Here are the (S3_2001) homework handing in days for the Telecommunications unit:

Exercise Handing In Date (week ending)
Unit Prefixes for Distance TBA

Unit Prefixes for Time (may not be set, depends how well you do the first homework)

Distance, Speed and Time

Frequency and Period TBA


Speed = Frequency x Wavelength


The Wave Equation

Quantities, Units and Formulae

Standard Form TBA

Electromagnetic Signals

Wave Equation for Electromagnetic Waves

Definition of Terms Use this to help revise for Unit Test TBA

Using Electricity

These are the (S3_2001) homework handing in days for the Using Electricity unit:

Exercise Handing In Date (week ending)
Q = It TBA
Ohm's Law (V = IR) TBA
Resistor Combinations TBA
Quantities, Units and Formulae TBA
Circuit symbols. (Not available online) TBA
P = V2/R TBA
Revise for tests. Use Definition of Terms to help. TBA

Health Physics

These are the S3_2001 homework handing in days for the Health Physics unit:

Exercise Handing In Date (week ending)
Temperature TBA
Sound TBA
Lens Power TBA
Vision TBA
Revise notes on vision, sound and temperature for 1 hour TBA
Lasers, IR and UV TBA
X-Rays TBA
Radiation TBA
Half-Life Calculations TBA
Revise for TESTS TBA


Here are the (S3_2000) homework handing in days for the Transport unit:

Sorry! The remaining exercises are not ready yet. You will be tested during week ending TBA.

Exercise Handing In Date (week ending)
#1 Instantaneous and Average Speed TBA
#2 Acceleration from First Principles TBA