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Poem #6 Piff Puff Piff

One day I met a puffin who said,
"I'm a piff, piff, piff, piff, puffin".
He was black and white,
with stripy beak

And with all the other puffins he would fight,
Cos they were puff, puff, puff, puff puffins.
Not piff, piff, piff, piff, puffins.

So one day he left, never to return,
to the bottom of a garden, where there was a burn,
Down he drifted, then back up to the
Cliffs, where he started to say again
Piff, Piff, Piff.

He lived until he was very old, stiff
But still he said Piff, Piff, Piff...PUFF!

by Emma 100600