just church



Lent programme

Starter pack





Support CAP

Church Action on Poverty

Lent is traditionally a time to practise justice: towards God, towards yourself and towards others

The Just Church Lent programme is designed to help you embed social justice and a concern for UK poverty more deeply in your church's life. It's suitable for house groups, study groups, ecumenical groups or even whole congregations.

Download the Just Church Lent programme free here (2MB document – may take a while to download).

The programme consists of six modules, each providing the leader's notes and photocopiable handouts for one evening session:

Week 1: Just Getting Started
The introduction to Just Church. Reflect on social injustice and poverty in Britain in the light of your relationship with God. Become more aware that love and justice are at the heart of our relationship with God.

Week 2: Just Jesus
Look at the importance of justice in the ministry of Jesus; reflect on how that affects our relationship with God, and how to live out that core aspect of your faith in practice.

Week 3: Just Congregation
Find ways of building fellowship within the local church, based on honest, just and loving relationships.

Week 4: Just Community
Identify poverty issues in the local area, through personal encounter where possible.

Week 5: Just Transformation
Reflect on wider issues of power and injustice within society, and our responsibility to engage with these issues.

Week 6: Just Action
Put together a specific action plan to implement Just Church within your own church and community.


Taking it further

Just Church will challenge and inspire you to do more about poverty and injustice in the world. It leads your church to making some practical commitments to take action.

The Lent pack includes everything you need to run the programme. But if you want to take things further, this website has a wealth of additional resources to supplement the programme, also available on the Just Church DVD (see the Orders page).

There are six more modules available. Use them to continue the programme, or replace particular modules with ones that reflect your church's priorities better. Explore how you can embed justice into your worship, your prayer, your work with children. Reflect on how you use money and live your life. Look at what the Bible has to say about poverty and injustice.

You'll be part of a network of Just Churches, sharing stories through this website and receiving support from Church Action on Poverty.


Get started now

Download the Lent programme today, or order a printed copy from our Orders page.