Getting Started

Drop us an email at, asking to be included on the free subscribers list. We'll then send you an acknowledgement and you'll begin receiving the selections straight away. If you wish to continue receiving selections after your free month you will need to send a cheque for £30.00, to reach us before the start of the following month, to:

Tristar Racing PO Box 37 Launceston PL15 7XZ

and made payable to Tristar Racing.


We regret that we do not have credit card facilities at the time of writing. We hope the majority of our customers will become long term subscribers and will be happy to complete a standing order eventually.

A standing order can be sent to those who do intend to subscribe on a regular basis.

Remember, the first three months subscription (including your free month) is 20% cheaper than buying a racing paper each racing day for the same period.

If you have little or no experience of racing investment, we can email you some information which you may find helpful.

We feel the information on this site is fairly comprehensive. However, if we've left something out, or you need more information, you can email us at:

Alternatively you may telephone on 01579 363486 (answerphone).

© 1999 all content TriStar Racing