What profit can I expect to make? Based on the empirical evidence of the last six years, our target is 200 points per year after tax; so your £400 bank with £10 stakes should have increased to £2,400 after 12 months. Even if we only achieve half that, your original investment will have doubled after deducting the cost of the service. For larger stakes than these, with consequent larger profits, the cost of the service diminishes.
How can I verify this?

To a certain extent, you can't. However, the same applies to any speculative investment, whether it be stocks and shares, unit trusts, endowment policies, or any new business venture. Having said that, we proof our advices to Smart-proof (see LINKS page), the only truly independent proofing organisation for services such as ours, so that our claimed results are verifiable.

Is there anything I should be aware of?

Yes. This may be considered naïve in such a dog-eat-dog, commercial world, but we believe that it is better to treat people honestly and ethically and hope that they will reciprocate. We therefore ask subscribers not to distribute the information they receive to a third party (why not encourage them instead to subscribe in their own right?).

In return, we intend to limit the number of subscribers. Too many unauthorised investors will inevitably depress the prices available and thus depress the profits. If we become aware that this is happening we will have to reconsider the viability of the service. In any event, once subscription places have been filled, admission will be closed.

Equally, if we become aware that the service is being pirated by a relay service (as a result of which our investment advices are redistributed to many hundreds of non-subscribers at an artificially reduced rate), we may consider reducing the service to include only those we know personally

Consequently... this is NOT a service for those who:
a) want to get rich quickly and have instant results.
b) want to give up their day job and invest full-time.
c) are wealthy already and want to add to their wealth by investing with large stakes.
d) don't have patience.
e) are motivated by greed.
On the other hand... this IS a service for those who:
a) would like to make additional investment income.
b) are not greedy.
c) are patient.
d) are able to think in a long-term way.
e) are prepared to give the service a try for a reasonable length of time - at least three months.

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