Who are you? We are three individuals who have been exploring this area for some years. Between us we have amassed considerable experience of advisory services, racing software and systems, all the while gathering empirical evidence of what works and what doesn't. As a result of our own research we have found a way of producing excellent profits from racing investment, which have been consistent for the last six years.
So why sell the service? Because no matter how good the investment profits are, the timing of such income is uncertain - losing months are a reality - whereas monthly bills come around with monotonous regularity. In addition, temperament is an all-important yet under-estimated component of successful racing investment and the ability to find profitable winners is not always accompanied by the equanimity needed to place bets of a size sufficient to create a realistic sole income. We feel a (more) regular income from subscriptions complements the irregular income from racing investment. It also means the freedom to focus on the business in hand. To that end, two of us spend time making the selections while the third administrates the service.

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