How to Find Eurostar Deals for London to Paris by Train

This is a "how to" article or FAQ about Eurostar Deals.  Eurostar deals take you by high speed train from London to Paris which is ideal for short breaks but it can cost more than the air fare. So here are some tips for booking the best deal Eurostar tickets with or without a hotel reservations included in the same package. Further  questions and tips will be included as the FAQ debvelops but if you have any immediate queries please address them as comments to the eurostar deals blog.

eurostardeals train


  1. Have a rough idea of your preferred dates.
  2. Read the latest Eurostar deals blogs.
  3. Decide if you want to book a hotel and Eurostar deal or simply return rail tickets.
  4. Visit the Eurostar website and do some searches. Try different dates and times until you find a suitable deal. 
  5. Make a booking and save the confirmation. The tickets will arrive by post.

Tips for Eurostar Deals


Sources and Citations

Eurostar Deals Documents

Recent Eurostar Deals