Images of Outdoor Management Development.

Introduction Contents Abstract What is OMD? Literature Methodology Contact Me


The conclusions that I reached answer three questions:

What more do we know about Outdoor Management Development (OMD) as a result of this research? This is the most important question. What contribution can the comparison between course participants' understanding of OMD and the current state of knowledge on OMD in the literature produce make to the theoretical understanding of OMD? The answer to these questions is given on a separate web page which details a Model of OMD.

What does a comparison between course participants' understanding of OMD and the current state of knowledge on OMD in the literature produce? To answer this question I brought together the two sets of data from my review of the literature (see the References web page) and participants understanding (see the Typology web page described below). This produced a set of findings which are gathered around eleven main themes. The Results of the Comparison described on a separate web page.

What understanding do course participants have of OMD? To answer to this question I developed a typology in which participants' understanding of OMD was arranged into 23 categories grouped around 5 clusters. This Typology is produced on a separate page.

There are also summaries of each interviews which give an account of the first-hand experience of participants on an OMD course. They are a set of conclusions presented as an in-depth description of their experiences rich in detail from their point of view. These summaries stand as a set of results from the phenomenological analysis which are presented on the Rich Description web page.

Philip Donnison

October 2000

Introduction Contents Abstract What is OMD? Literature Methodology Contact Me