To: Frank Schuurmans
Hi Frank,
I'm struggling with CGI. Don't really get it at all. I have the Httpd
1.4c Windows 3.1 sever. there's a load of stuff about "back ends" and
the fact that Visual Basic has to create .exe's for Windows 3.1. Seems
greatly over-complex.
I understand that say taking items from an HTML form then passes those
items into the URL each item separated by "&". This sounds like it could
be used to fire off something like a Web neuron and pass inputs to it. Do
you think Webon is a good name for WEB neurON, I'll try it for a bit and
see how it goes. And what about "Weblet" for a small group of linked
Webons that perhaps do a specific task.
I think a good start for us would be to try to build a simple example
Webon network to run on just one machine. What about an address book?
I already have an idea how this should be programmed using Webons,
since it came up in the follwing post:- (Swap HTML pages for "Webons")
To: Art Pollard
Subject: Re: HTML is declarative on purpose [was: Web neurons ]
Art writes:-
>>You wouldn't need applets if HTML was improved. (I wrote)
>Yes, you probably would. As soon as you give people enough power,
>to do simple things, they will be wanting to program whole database
>systems in it.
I really don't believe you would. Any database and database handling
program can be duplicated by linked HTML pages with suitable HTML
extensions that allow:-
Triggering of other pages (this can give multi-tasking capabilities)
Data to be passed between pages
Data to be stored in pages, and named
Simple logic flow (IF, ELSE) acting on stored data names
String handling
Links to be made/broken
Pages to be created/deleted
(things I didn't think of yet)
all automatically.
In this I am thinking that each HTML page represents one database
It may look like a lot but not that many extensions are needed, just the
right ones (IMHO).
Databases have to do things like - find, sort, add (record), delete, goto
update, etc.
As a crude example - to find say Mr Jones' record in an HTML address
Input "Jones" from the user.
Trigger the first Surname element page, and pass "Jones" to it.
Store "Jones" as say ARG1 in that page.
Suppose the contents of this page were "Bloggs" stored as CONTENTS.
Also, that the record number "1" is stored as RECNUM.
Do a test - IF CONTENTS=ARG1 then trigger a result page and pass it
ELSE, trigger the next Surname element page (in record 2) and pass it
Carry on until you get a match,
or the last element passes say "No match" to the results page.
The record number could be stored as text in the results page and
Note there is no need for a search Loop as in standard languages. Only one
simple IF ELSE per element page. In fact maybe Looping should be
This does involve a radically different programming strategy. Each
database element now becomes a sort of "object" with its own code, and
with explicit links to other elements.
I wish I lived in Hawaii too.
[end of post]
So can we duplicate this with CGI scripts? Assuming we are running on
just one machine one Webon should be able to fire another in the Weblet
without going back to the server. The URL would just be the filename in
this case. You also need an interpreter to go through the code in each
>The cgi firing equivelant wouldn't be in the HTML page itself but in the
>/cgi-bin/fire/foo.html ->fire it
>/cgi-bin/view/foo.html ->view
>/cgi-bin/edit/foo.html ->edit
So you must be saying that foo.html is a Webon.
I presume that embedding "FIRE" somewhere in the URL tells the server
to execute foo.html rather than view it or edit it. But is /fire a directory?
Are there three copies of foo.html in three directories? I really don't know
anything about CGI.
If, after firing foo.html, foo.html itself has a fire command for say
foo2.html (in the same directory), what would be the exact process of
getting foo2.html to fire. What is doing the interpreting of the lines in
foo.html? In the conventional sense this would be done by the browser,
say Netscape. But I don't see anything like Netscape here.
What type of CGI script do you use.. PERL, VB? I can't program anything
because I'm not set up for it.
Look forward to your reply.
By the way, what does "Drs" mean?