Subject: Re: Web Neurons
From: (John Middlemas)
Date: 1996/05/26
Message-Id: <4oa55o$>
References: <4nraca$> <4o0kp0$>
Organization: Power Internet
Newsgroups: (Jordy) wrote:
>you might want to look at a scripting language called HTMLSCRIPT. a lot
>of the tags that you have are already in it.
But not the FIRE tag which is the cornerstone of the Web neuron idea
and involves a fundamental change in view as to how programming should
be done. Instead of cryptic code nest within unreadable nest, the
FIRE command can initiate many other Web neurons and so on and so on.
A chain reaction is then a possibility. I don't think HTMLSCRIPT can
do that. It has some interesting ideas but seems to me to be
basically CGI inside the HTML, i.e long scripts of gobbledegook as
usual. It is not based on neural principles.
The point is that the coding can be minimised (or eliminated) by
having many very small Web neurons do tasks. The processing power is
now obtained from how they are linked up (like a flow chart) rather
than by coding. It may be possible to eliminate code by having a pool
of different Web neuron types that could be picked and plugged in as
The important thing to remember is that this is how the brain works.
Web neurons can exist (in their thousands) on your PC and also every
server in the Internet. because of URL's they can all communicate
seamlessly. I believe it is within our grasp to light up the Web.
By the way, surfing doesn't have to be affected.
Thanks for replying. HTMLSCRIPT is definitely worth a look (a bit
expensive though).
John Middlemas