Gateshead International Senators
Visitors Book 1998
Trev Atkinson ( on
Wed Dec 30 23:34:21 GMT 1998
Washington U.K.

Please let me know when training starts. If things go to plan I try and get down. Still trying to sell my full kit, thats helmet,pads,strips,gloves,bags,boots,all for £50.00. Have a good New Year.

Rob Coram ( on
Thu Dec 17 19:24:07 GMT 1998
Prescot, Merseyside

Dear Gatesheads Offensive Lineman Bear etc...
My name is Rob and I use to play for the Nighthawks#65, but since my recent departure I now play for the St.Helens Cardinals.
All the Best for the 1999 Season, I hope you win the Division.

Adam Barone ( on
Fri Dec 11 15:10:50 GMT 1998
Anderson, IN

Hey guys,
I had a great time playing you guys this past summer. i was a member of the American touring team (#52 offensive guard and nose tackle on defense), Christian Outreach International.
Congratulations on your successful season. Also, i've got one year of college football left, and i'd be interested in playing somewhere in the UK after that. I'd like to earn at least some poundage to supplement the income i'd get from a job.
Anyway, keep hittin hard and taking NAMES!
Adam Barone
Malcolm Parker ( on
Mon Nov 30 01:46:19 GMT 1998

Hi, ex Leeds Cougar now playing for Sheffield Saxons.
I was just surfing and clicked your link so I thought I'd say hello.
See you next season for some more of your great hospitality.
Cheers. Malcolm #5

David Cottrell on
Mon 9 Nov 1998
Posted to
I would like to say congrats to the Senators on last year. It didn't end with a championship but you played a great season. As for Lancs. and Yorks. not being NORTHERN! Mind you, you can't go much further North than Gateshead, but let's face it, anything north of Brum can be considered NORTHERN.

Paul McCarthy ( on
Mon Oct 12 12:56:15 BST 1998

Hi There
Nice site - Good to see a decent website about britball. I play for Tiger Bay Warriors in DIV 2 and anything that gets britball noticed is for the good of the sport .

Pete "Hagi" Gannon - No. 65 ( on
Fri Oct 9 07:04:39 BST 1998
Tien Mou (Western Ghetto), Taiwan

Alright lads ?
Sorry I couldn't finish the season this year, but the work will keep sending me to the wildest corners of the world. The broken arm has healed ok, say thanks to Wheaty for landing on it with the guard he was mugging at the time. No AF teams over here so I've tried abit of basketball, my only advantage is being 6'3" but I don't have much of a clue about the rules so play it as if I was still a linebacker. Hopefully I be back in time for the season in 2000 and the usual pillage around Amsterdam, best of luck in 1999 !!

Mon Sep 28 16:02:18 BST 1998

Just keeping up on the team whilst on holiday. Am promoting the Senators as much as possible.Keep up the good work

Adam Barone ( on
Thu Jul 30 04:05:20 BST 1998
United States

Hey guys!
I played on the American team. You guys are a good team. keep it up, hit THE WEIGHTROOM. It will help ya'll out immensely!
Adam Barone
COI #52

Ian Duff ( on
Mon Jul 20 19:29:21 BST 1998
Sheffield Saxons

I'm putting together a web site for the saxons and I'm just checking on whats out there, pretty impressive stuff here guys, i've got a lot to live up to here, great web site. Also do you mind if I put in a link to this site at the saxons site oh and can i pinch a logo to spice my links page up with. By the way great win over Notts on Sunday thanks for keeping them off our heels cheers lads. Thanks.

david watton ( on
Tue Jul 14 23:31:55 BST 1998
droitwich spa

where was the running back at birmingham?

mike stubbs ( on
Tue Jul 14 22:15:15 BST 1998
Phil Pa

Hello all , good to see the team still surviving, some of you fellows must be as "senior" as me,Gary maybe a little more senior.
I still keep a picture of our first "Bud trophy" the eagle in my photo album(Black and white of course) .Hope there are many more for the team s' collection in the coming years.
Regards to all esp. the old guard defense

Stuart Perks ( on
Fri Jul 10 21:59:46 BST 1998

Hello again,
Just another visit to see how things are going.It seems a lot of people are finding your page,congrats you are doing an excellent job.I've even some old names I recognise from the late 80's.If anybody has any old pics of Slough Silverbacks,Ealing Eagles or Thames Valley Charger games please let me know.I would like to get my hands on any old pictures if anybody can help.Thanks and keep the page going.Stuart

Shauna Robertson ( on
Fri Jul 10 19:02:07 BST 1998
Riverside, CA USA

Just stopped in to learn more about fotball in Britain. My brother, Eric, plays for the Senators(or used to), and since learning of his winning MVP,I have been a regular visitor of this site. My son has a link to this site on his web page....he's soooo proud of his uncle. We're hoping he gets back in the game (now that he's back in England!) and the season improves for the the team! Play hard....have fun!!
Mark Bamford ( on
Mon Jun 29 10:27:31 BST 1998

Hi, I'm with the saxons, hope things get better for the rest of your season.
Very nice website, I'll keep checking it out.

Neil Hurle ( on
Sat Jun 27 18:12:44 BST 1998

Great site guys. Good luck this season and I'll hopefully see you in the bowl when you lose to the O's
Walker Eric (no email address given) on
Mon May 18 02:13:50 BST 1998
sunny california

I'll be there as soon as possible,sorry 'bout the loss to the Bulls. Hi to all the lads and good luck at Sheffield.

Neil Smith ( on
Thu Apr 30 09:28:16 BST 1998

Hi! Senators rule. Definitely, hopefully I'll manage to get to all the home games this season

Martin Doomen ( on
Thu Apr 9 14:37:16 BST 1998

Hope to see you guys in a GREAT game at the other side of the line of scrimmage. Playing against the Senators as Tilburg Steeler at Hilversum 11-4-98.
Seeya on the field,

Dan Canales ( on
Tue Apr 7 14:05:37 BST 1998
San Antonio,Texas USA

Not sure How I got here, but glad I did. People who play for the love of football (or any sport for that matter) are the true souls of the game. Good luck on and off the field. Go Senators!!
P.S. The world is big enough for the two kinds of football.
Hear, hear!
Sean Rutherford (no email address given) on
Thu Mar 19 15:40:06 GMT 1998

Hello Gateshead Senators
I'm here in the middle of my Information Technology class with Head Coach Marshall of the Gateshead Senators. He's also my English teacher and a very good one too. We see him come in every day in his BMW with a bow exhaust and alloy wheels and also a cup of coffee.
by Sean Rutherford

Gregg Thelen ( on
Sun Feb 22 05:04:29 GMT 1998
Oconomowoc, Wi.

Hi mates!
Wow I have been looking for this site for a long time but I finaly found it. I hope all is well. Looking over the team roster a few of the names ring a bell. Is the John Hartley on your roster the John from Sheffield? If he is tell him hello and to drop me a line sometime. Gary keep up the good work as always anything I can do e-mail me back. Best of luck this season !!
Go Brit-ball !!!!
David Lewins ( on
Sat Feb 21 20:04:49 GMT 1998

Nice playing lads

Ian U'Chong ( on
Sat Feb 14 02:18:54 GMT 1998

Great website, I used to play for the Ravens in the 80's.
I wonder if you remember them. Keep britball going.
Of course I remember them - Victor, Joe. I also met Lance Cone a couple of times.
John Spears ( on
Fri Feb 6 04:44:55 GMT 1998
Bruce WI USA

Glad to see the team is doing well
John Spears
Head Coach Glasgow Lions 1993

Howard Bryant ( on
Thu Feb 5 12:27:35 GMT 1998

Hi to all people playing football in Britain. Hopefully one day i'll be back in the game. If anyone has anyinformation about the amateur game in the Northants area, i'd be very glad to hear from them.
good luck for the future!!!!

Sat Jan 31 21:53:27 GMT 1998
USA , Glens Falls, New York State

I have played football for the Glens Falls Greenjackets , semi-professional football team for 15 years now. I always enjoy hearing about any maniac who ventures onto a football field to do battle. I love the game and respect anyone who plays it. If any of your players ever venture into the US., and would like to see our version of gridiron war, we would welcome you to watch or even play. You see , I feel a kinship to you , for I also played 8 years of rugby for the Schenectady Reds Rugby Football Club. They are a very good club, but I realize that we are emulating your game not improving it. We are about 45 minutes north of Albany, New York. If you would like to corispond to our coach and owner you can e-mail him at...
Good luck to your team and good health to your players
Giff  #69  the jackets

Jon Wyse ( on
Wed Jan 21 03:17:06 GMT 1998
Staffordshire Surge American Football Club

Happy New Year !
See you on the field in '98.

Mon Jan 19 22:04:55 GMT 1998

I just read your "A Bit about Britball" and in just a couple of paragraphs the story of Britball and its evolution to where it is today is quite clear. Direct and to the point.
I was lucky enough to be a part of the American Football scene in the 80's when C-4 brought the game to the UK. I got the opportunity to be a part of it with the then Stretham Olypians. (1985/86) By reading bits and pieces (when I can find them) I have followed the decline of the game. It's sad. The bickering continues and that will kill the game. I loved coaching there and the folks that shared our successes, it's a shame that the vigor of the 80's was lost.
Granted, Rugby and Soccer probably were factors in the decline of the game. However why then is the sport still so strong on the continent? What are they doing right? As one of the pioneer coaches in britball I guess I may be allowed to speak up. I have plans of coaching in the UK again, I just hope there will be a game & league to do this.
Sorry, for getting carried away.. Nice page and I will visit often. Please feel free to E-Mail me about the British Game.

Thanks J.D.

oscar morales and julio chan ( and on
Fri Jan 9 21:31:09 GMT 1998
chihuahua, mexico

the best of the best for this season and looking forward for an answer

Douglas Kenyon () on
Wed Jan 7 17:43:51 GMT 1998
Pueblo, Colorado USA

Gary, Chip
Just thought I'd let you guys know I'm still alive. Trying to finish that degree, 16 years and still going. Coaching in a different sport for the majority of the time. I do girls and boys swimming at my old school, Pueblo County High School. Have had several great athletes. Also assist with the football team, death is the only way to make the payroll!
When I get the E-mail address, I'll let you send me info.
Hope all's well in the land of PAUL SMITH! JOKE! By the way Newcastle Brown is available so I don't shake to bad here in the States.
Doug K.

Big Mik ( on
Sat Jan 3 18:21:44 GMT 1998
Cramlington ,England

hi everyone keep up the good work.
All the way this year boys

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