Gateshead International Senators
Visitors Book 2003
Tue Dec 30 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Just want to wish everyone a Merry Xmas and a mint New Year. Can't wait to don the uniform again.
RC Ledford
Fri Dec 26 2003
Calling from:Spain
Good to see all is still going well. Am thinking about you all - past and present!
Gary Marshall
Fri 26 Dec 2003
Calling from:Hedley
Duncan will be up in N/c tomorrow - Sat 27th and we are going out for a drink.
Anyone who wants to go get in touch with Will for details (I'm not sure where or when as yet! Dunc is ringing Will today!)
Mark Sloan
Fri Dec 26 2003
Calling from: Preston
The New House
Just got moved in before Xmas so things have been a tad hectic, hence not being at too many of the Uni practices. I am getting settled in now and so will hopefully be up to some practices/games soon and of course back for a tilt at the Div 1A (what's that all about?) title. Hope you all had a great Xmas and that the New Year will bring fun and frolics on and off the pitch. See you all soon.
Wed Dec 24 2003
Calling from:Newcastle
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Everybody. As always keeping a tab on ''Sunday family'' -checking results and etc.. Missing the ''crack'' (helmets and gossip) the laughs and the not laughs, the friends and good friends, I due to work and health haven't been there as much as I would have liked.
Anyway I see I've been nominated for the Senator Hall of Fame- I still want to play only offensive line though and would like hold off on my nomination until I feel ( thanks to someone out there anyway) I truly deserve it, and maybe make a real contribution to Senator Football as to really deserve a place in the Hall of Fame. So I would LOVE to come back and hopefully be part of the ''Sunday Family'' again as I truly miss it.
Tue Dec 23 2003
Calling from:Newcastle
Merry Crimbo gents and a happy new year!! look forward to seeing you all at training in the new year! unlike Mikey I'll try to put on a few pounds so I can still play D-line!!!
Tue Dec 23 2003
Calling from:north shields (work)
A big HO HO HO to the sunday family hope the new years brings you all the things you and your family's wish for. See you all next year Wimmie #23
Mon Dec 22 2003
Calling from:Gateshead
All right guys, just dropping a line to wish all the Sunday Family a Merry Christmas and I'll see you all for training after the college season. Those of you involved with The Raiders I'll see you in Lancaster, and go easy on Chris this time, he's fragile.
Mon Dec 22 2003
Calling from:Darlington
Just like to wish the whole Senators Family a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year and I will see you all in the new year at training. By then I will need to shed a few crimbo pounds or move to the O Line so see you all soon
All the best Mikey 33
Sun Dec 21 2003
Calling from: Hoddesdon (down south)
Just want to wish all you guys a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, see you all in the New Year to start training for the season.
Derek Parry
Fri Dec 19 2003
Calling from: Sunderland
Hello lads, can't make the team night out tomorrow, so I will see you all in the New Year for training, have a good Christmas and I'll see you soon.
Dave Cloke
Fri Dec 12 2003
Calling from: Newcastle (still)
Obviously a great last season, guys. I'm going to be in the region for the rest of my training in orthopaedics (6 years), so I might manage to get down to a game before I'm a consultant (missus/baby/work permitting). Always great to have a look and see the old faithful turning out and making the difference week-in, week-out. Sincerely hope to see you all play next season.
David Lee
Thu Dec 11 2003
Calling from: Gloucestershire
Here's a message for old Sunday family members - does anyone know the whereabouts of JJ McMullen? We've lost touch over the last couple of years and would like to find him again. Thanks
Fri Dec 5 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
For those that are interested, the Raiders are playing Hull this Sunday and any support would be greatly appreciated. Kickoff at 1pm.
Terry Treloar
Fri Nov 28 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Question For you What happened with the Hall of Fame
Some ideas for nomination
Sal Cintereno
Scott Pioloi (spelt wrong)
Neil( The original Boz) Bosomworth
Ken Charlton
Ian Storey
Well that a few of my memories, hopefully we will see the result in the future
A question who is Gateshead leading point scorer, I reckon it could be some old guy with a good kicking left foot
See you when the new season starts
Rodney Moors
Sun Nov 23 2003
Calling from: Ottawa, Canada
Go Senators Go (here in Ottawa we also have the Senators, from the NHL). Good luck in your upcoming season.
Thu Nov 20 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Just wondering when, and what time you lads have yer mess abowts!! (Training!)
As me and my mates wanna come down and get slaughtered!
L8r chaps
Sat Nov 15 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Five a side footy at Gateshead Stadium has been booked for this Wednesday (19th) its on the indoor pitch cost is £3.00 per man. Pitch is booked from 8.30 till 9.30 so if we can meet at reception at the stadium at 8.15.Any problems give me a bell on 07710477798
Wed Nov 12 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Sorry, scrap that last post, Cally have had to rearrange coz Stirling broke half their team. I'll post when our next home game comes around, until then I'm gonna give myself a self imposed internet ban
Tue Nov 11 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Our next game this weekend is against Caledonian so any more support would be appreciated. Sorry Bear, I did think it was 3 weeks time before our next home match.
Sun Nov 9 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Good to see some of the Senators players down for the Uni game. It may not have been pretty and my game was pretty sham, but the support was appreciated!
Wed Nov 5 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Hello boys, hope everyone is fit and well. A few of us veterans (I think I can call myself that now) have thought about organising 5 a side footy at Gateshead on possibly a Wednesday night just to keep the old fitness levels up (and lose some clem) until we start training again in January. If there is enough of us we will then make the Wednesday a "proper" football session during the season. Anyone interested drop me a line or I will see you on Sunday.
Cheers WILL
Tue Nov 4 2003
Calling from: Darlington
Will see you all Sunday to watch the cheerleaders - I mean students play football
Sat Nov 1 2003
Calling from: South Shields
To back up what Mr Barton has said it would be nice if a few Senator faces could make down to cheer on the Uni team. With me & Mr Lindsey unable to attend some input on the Defense in Mr Lindsey's absence may be helpful & someone to shut 'Your all s**t' & drool at the cheerleaders!! Seriously if not for the football the cheerleaders will be worth watching, if the 5 gorgeous babes that travelled to Stirling are anything to go by. Purely for their skill & ability of course!!
Still loving football & cheerleaders!!
Fri Oct 31 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Date for your diaries lads:
If any of you are at a loss and doing nowt on Sunday the ninth, it would be good to see you all down at the stadium to watch the Newcastle vs. Lancaster match, with Davey's imaginative fag packet plays! One o'clock kick off.
Duncan French
Mon Oct 27 2003
Calling from: USA
I feel your love, Bear! If everything goes according to plan, I should be finished in early May 2004, and home not long after. Therefore I'm planning on being back next season and hope that I will be pulling on the aqua-marine and helping to put the Senators back where they belong. Because, at the risk of sounding bitter, I think the whole Senator organisation should keep last season in perspective. I know I wasn't there, and so maybe I shouldn't comment, but that was Div. 2 boyz, not Div. 1; where we belong. For those of you that know me, you will know that I take pride in playing for a team that can compete at the highest level. Div. 2 is not where respect is gained! You only gain respect when you perform at the highest level. So as of next season, we're back at the bottom of the pile and trying to prove that we have got what it takes. We have to gain respect again! So yes, I most likely will be back, and between you and me Bear, I have 4 years of hunger built up inside, ands it's nearly time to 'lower the boom' again!
Stay safe everyone, hope to see you at Christmas.
Dunc #28
Sat 25 Oct 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Bear, your e-mail address doesn't work, use a proper one!
Gary Bear
Fri Oct 24 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Has anyone heard anything from Mr French, is he coming back to play next year?
Mark Sloan
22 Oct 2003
Calling from: Preston UK
Congratulations to all the winners, which means everyone in the organisation. Hope to see everyone back for more fun and games next year. For those who can't wait for next year, the Newcastle University side is a great way of keeping football on the boil either by helping out with coaching or just watching games. Give it a shot. See you all soon.
PS How did the abseil go? (Apart from vertically downwards that is)
13 Oct 2003
Calling from:Costa Teguise on me Hols
Now chaps, will see you all at the awards night. I get back from the sun on the 16th so when I see you all I will look like Wilson's long lost brother, got a nice tan! Plus I can do you some very good deals on copied watches, sunglasses and clothes but you try, you buy. See ya soon
Mikey, Tanned Senator for Life !!!!
Sat 13 Sep 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Nimms and Humey, cannot seem to find any way of getting what you guys wanted. Sorry but will still keep trying.
Fri 29 Aug 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Can we get tickets down at the game on Sunday or do you have to have ordered them previously? I know it sounds stupid but you come to expect this sort of thing from me.
Fri 29 Aug 2003
Calling from: Darlington
Haven't had the ability to be able to post any praise for the family since our last game (Ah the much talked about virus got the council's computers last week and it's been down since). But now it's all fixed so I can use it for my own devices. Just have to re-iterate the points made by the previous postings. Still gutted but confident in our abilities as a TEAM for our next campaign. I enjoyed football again this year, it felt great to play as part of a team who I can say love the game but more importantly The GATESHEAD SENATORS as much as me. Respect due to all old & new. To those who are going, see u at the Bowl Game.
Mikey #33 Darlington Born !!! Senator Bred !!!!!
Fri 29 Aug 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
I thought I should type something, the loss against the Caesars was a bitter pill for me to swallow, I was so proud of playing with you lads this year, contrary to any opinion, Mrs Pikey has been a driving force behind me this year, she made me get my butt out of the trailer and make sure I got to every game on time, cue abuse!
I'll be back for another campaign, and if Mrs Pikey has anything to do with it I'll be at training too!! I have shirked responsibility of coaching recently but will do all I can to make us a unit next season, remember the game is won and lost in the trenches!
Respect goes out to all of my Sunday family members, a special shout out to the O-line, and even those scruffy unwashed! You know who you are, remember the showers are free! :-) I'm looking forward to Wakefield, the first time I will have been able to go on a jaunt with you lot, take care lads, get some rest and get up for it for next year.
Just for the record , in February I will have been playing 19 years and I still have the hunger and desire to improve! Call me dumb if you like but I love our sport.
OK got to go to work, I guess anyone going to the final should support Nottingham, I just can't go! Ceeee you guys soon.
Rapper #60
The UnDutchable
Thu 28 Aug 2003
Calling from: Lancaster
Hey guys, the loss is still a tough pill to swallow every day I wake up, but I am getting over it. Just like many messages that have preceded mine, I would like to thank all of you for a great season. I have learned more about myself, and have been able to improve myself, not just in football-terms, but in every way possible. Thank you to my Sunday family and I look forward to next year with my head high and a hunger in my soul and body. Hope some of you can come out and watch when Lancaster Uni plays Newcastle. (hold the trashtalk, wrong website...ha ha ha).
Anyway, anyone passing near Lancaster this Sunday and has room for one more? Jim is at a wedding and wont be able to pick me up. Dont know if Chris wants to go, but will give him a ring tomorrow. Also will be in contact with Sloany, maybe catch the train down to Preston and hitch a ride. But if anyone is passing by here, and has room, that would save me the trouble. Please e-mail me back if you can help me out. Hope to see you guys on Sunday. (We wearing our jerseys, or just regular clothes?)
Thu 28 Aug 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
So that is where all my tackles went. Only joking, it was a pleasure this year Guys. I will be back for more fun and games next year in div one.
Gary Thompson
Thu 28 Aug 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Ed - Have just checked the gridiron site and sent and email to Glen re the stat for Roy. I didn't even know his number so how he got 4 assists is a mystery. Will advise when I have the answer. We can probably give the assists to the highest bidder or just Wootie like normal.
Wed 27 Aug 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
I know we have a laugh about the Woot's ability for stealing Derek's tackles (allegedly). But this has been taken to new lengths. Check the league website and see that there's two sacks for the year, by Roy Davis. Top stat stealing.
Terry T
Wed 27 Aug 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Well now that the dust has settled I suppose I should make a comment.
Firstly let me congratulate you all on an excellent season. For a team that was looking at folding in 2002 to a playoff contender is remarkable.
Right onto the semi you played an excellent game, unfortunately the result went against you. Take heart though, if not for injuries to (Craig Million, Steve Wooton, and Gary Catherall) who knows what would have happened?
Now to eat humble pie; David Nimmins, over the years we probably have not seen eye to eye but can I congratulate you on an excellent season, you showed that you can play football. You claim that you are retiring, we will just have to wait and see. I hope not because I would love to see you playing next year.
Well that's all for now. I look forward to seeing who is put forward for the Hall of Fame, probably bring back memories of my playing days.
Look forward to seeing some of you on Sunday at the Final in my role as recruitment officer for Bafra, trying to encourage retiring players to don the B/White stripes next year. To those of you that are young enough to play BCAFL see you soon
That's all. Just to say it was a privilege to see you play as The Sunday Family
Tue 26 Aug 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Andrew Sinclair: Gateshead Senator 2003 - 2999
If I can play that long I'll always be a Senator!!!
Jonathan Rooney
Tuer 26 Aug
Calling from: Newcastle
Just want to say the same as what every 'rookie' is thinking right now. First a big thanks to everyone at the club and I mean everyone, wives, girlfriends, parents - anybody who lets us/helps us play this fine game.
The way that we have been accepted into this excellent TEAM has been greatly appreciated, we have all developed as players and people after the season, especially the Notts. game where I've never experienced such unity on a field before. We'll all be back next year, bigger, stronger, faster and tougher. Heart breaking losses only fuel a desire to achieve more. As Duncan so eloquently put ...."if you strive for perfection, somewhere along the way you might achieve excellence".
I hope to see as many Senators at the Raiders as poss., every single one of you can add something, more likely a hell of a lot! Every player you help develop will probably graduate where it matters, into the Senators!!!! Once again thanks again for the trip of a lifetime, to the playoffs with people you can call players, team mates or friends. See you at the Raiders...
Right, now that's done I'm off to bash some Pavorottis, and maybe sell them a bridge or two...
Gary Marshall
Tue 26 Aug 2003
Calling from: Hedley
I have started this message four times now and each time have not posted it because I wasn't sure what I wanted to say and how to say here goes number five!
Looking back over the season as a whole and comparing it to where we were at the turn of the year I can only say how proud I am to be a part of this 'Sunday family' and our achievements.
Making a commitment and sticking with it through whatever comes along is very important to me and I value loyalty and friendship above all other things in Sport. I have been lucky enough to play many different sports to a reasonably high level and have had success and disappointment along the way. Success is great but sometimes the lessons learned through adversity are more important. For me, Football is the ultimate game, where everything I value comes into play.
I found this season very emotional at times (I think it's that 'age' thing kicking in) with many highs and a few lows as we went along. One thing is sure, I know we have a great spirit in the Team and I am already looking forward to next season! We still have a lot to learn to become the finished article but the potential and talent is there, an explosive combination of experience and youth with more to come!
I will save more comments, thanks and praise for our Presentation Evening, which will be another great night!
In closing I hope we can have a strong representation at this weekend's Bowl Games. We have some trophies to collect but more importantly we need to show our support for 'The Ceeee', something they did big style for us when we went to the final back in '99. There will be a few cars going down I'm sure, so there will be plenty of room for everyone who wants to go. Ceeee you there!
GM. #13
Mark Sloan
Sat 23 Aug 2003
Calling from: Preston
Now that the dust has settled a little bit and some of the emotion has evaporated after last week's choker, I just want to thank all the members of the Senators organisation for an incredible season. This season most of the talk has been of why we were in Div 2 and not enough was made of our play. Well I just want to say that I think we have played some outstanding football and become one helluva team, and I stress the word TEAM.
After all the headlines grabbed by the D, last week the O came good and more than held their own against an exceptional Ceee side. Well done to them. The D finally met its match. No shame in that at all. Next season we will benefit by learning from our mistakes and come back a better side. I hope that you are all holding your heads high as you accomplished far more than I ever dreamt of you doing. Be proud of this season and look forward to next, in whatever division the league assigns us to. I personally hope it's Div 1 because you have all earned the right to be there.
Let's start by getting to Sheffield and cheering on the Ceee, making a day of it and watching old adversaries EKP have at the Os. Should be two excellent games. On the subject of next season, let me be the 1st to nail my colours to the mast. I will be with the Gateshead Senators for the 2004 season, so D get ready for some hard work in the pre-season and loads of fun come gametime. We will once again play with smiles on our faces. See you all soon.
Caesars #32
Wed 20 Aug 2003
Calling from: Nottingham
Great game Sunday boys.
Both teams played with full respect for eachother and it showed on the field and off the field after the game.
Lookin forward too seeing you all at the Final.
The future wife has given me the all clear to play so ill be there....
Hows Craigs knee???
Sean - email me with your new mobile number ASAP.
Mark - Thanx for you post and cant wait for the mighty 'G' givin us a big 'Ceee' or two from the stands.
C ya on the 31st
Scott #32
Wed 20 Aug 2003
Calling from: Cambridge
Unlucky chaps for a narrow loss on Sunday. I can truly say I know what it feels like! It's a shame that there are no third place play-offs. All the best for next season, which I know that you'll be delivering the goods..
Seth #29
Da Cats
Tue 19 Aug 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Still not over it!! All things said & done, the ifs, buts & maybes, the best team performance won on the day. As bad as we feel, good luck to Nottingham. I hope they win 'The Show'. Not because they beat us but because they're a great bunch of lads, a good team & a credit to this rapidly dying sport. If only some of the new teams had half the class of the Ceeeee! Regardless of what the forum muppets think/write the reason to request to drop a league was in the hope of building a 'Team' again, something that has been missing for a few years. As far I'm concerned that's been the greatest achievement this year, not a No1 ranking, not a 10-0 regular season, not scoring over 106 points in a single game, not making the semis; but feeling like a team again! The banter, the teamwork, the new friendships & of course the nights out (can't wait for Wakefield!). I'm confident that the new family members will be back next year & maybe during the off season some of us will change our minds & return next season to join them?
The attitude of the new teams, league, refs etc. this year has been a eye opener for me at least - shame!
Regardless, it's been an unmissable adventure this year and I'm sure if/when I get over the loss to Nottingham I'll remember it as a pleasure.
Thanks, guys!
P.S. Special thanks to 'Heisman', sorry mate!
china 85#
Tue 19 Aug 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
thanks guys for the best game i've ever played in. totaly scared the hell out of us all. wishing you all the very best for next season.
Tue 19 Aug 2003
Calling from: Doncaster
Good Luck in the 1st Division.
Brian Long
Mon 18 Aug 2003
Calling from: Doncaster
Thanks for playing a great game,it was well worth the journey.Good luck in Div 1,see you up there soon.
Brian Long
dave 'wiggy' williams
Mon 18 Aug 2003
Calling from: slough, berkshire
hard to bare lads, i'm gutted for you all. at least something positive has come out of all that hard work this season.......... a great team morale, which will make you an even stronger team next year.
so enjoy a few months off, heal those aching bodies and go for it next season. all the best!!
Mon 18 Aug 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Can I just begin by saying that it has been an honour sharing the field with everyone this year. While I am still revelling in what was a well fought game against a team and several officials, I still can take many positives away from it. I believe that was the closest we've been as a team and I hope that attitude continues for all the returning players next season.
This season had taught me a lot and I respect every member of the team as everyone has helped me grow as a player. It also has been a great personal experience and I can't wait for next season to start. Special thanks to Rapper, Humey, Bear, Sean and Bull for teaching me and putting up with me on the O-line. Thanks to the running backs for dealing with mistakes and the penalties. The D-line for fitting every week. The rest of the team for being awesome all season. The Blade and Sloany for motivating me. Statto and Bill for the off field work and also everyone else who has supported us this year.
I think I've said enough now, bring on next season and also the team night out in Wakefield, it won't know what hit it. Cheers guys.
Mark Blyth
Sat 16 Aug 2003
Calling from: Doncaster
So that's how you go 10-0 is it.....get pointers from the refs !
Can't be at the game tommorow due to a family commitment. But good luck anyway, i'm sure the best team will be at DVS in 2 weeks time as you are both very talented outfits. It's good to know that the dispute about who is better can be settled on the field.
Have a good game and take care.
Terry T
Sat 16 Aug 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Well only 1 day before one of the biggest game this season. Firstly good luck to you all. A few tip though
1 Let the Refs do our job
2 Keep your lips button and try not to talk to the opposition( I know it will be hard for some of you)
3 Do not react to the ceasars trying to bait you guranteed to get you 15 and not them.
4 Do not give me the need to use a yellow duster on you ( this means you mickey or bear) bring 6 flags just in case
Thank the Lord the match is on grass instead of the astro, easier to get grass stain of the body rather than astro scraps.
Lastly play the game hard but fair.
See you this sunday
Tue 12 Aug 2003
Calling from: Nottingham
erm,yes,well soz about the missing 03 on my mail address, i'm still getting used to it.
so it'll be an old school meet on the rug? at least it'll be new rug,unless you guys have still got them barriers in the endzones still? never mind it's all good fun, look forward to seeing all the faces there....( sorry, that should be 'all the OLD faces there gary!')( does that mean no chili for me now???) laters boys!
Tue 12 Aug 2003
Calling from: nottingham
great win last sunday guys, looking forward to playing a team this week who actually want to play football first and not just wind us up ( i hope). ceeeeeeee u sunday, here`s to a clean, hard hitting game
Terry Treloar
Tue 12 Aug 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Well quarter final over and onto the semis, all the players need to control there temper. An excellent match report unlike other teams at least Oxford are mentioned. Bad new for you lot , in the word of Arnie "Ill be Back" means I am one of the refs for the semi. hopefully I can keep my flags in my pocket no "Unsportsmanlike Conduct" calls please.
Looking forward to a well fought hard clean game.
The UnDutchable
Tue 12 Aug 2003
Calling from: Lancaster
Hey guys, just wanted to say that it was a great feeling winning last Sunday, but that it has only fuelled my greed and hunger to go undefeated in the post-season. I love the fact we play with so much emotion, but we have to be careful that we do not let that emotion get out of control. Too many personal fouls, etc. last game. From what I understand about Nottingham, we cannot afford to do that to them. No freebies. Otherwise cracking game, and let's keep rolling on to Sheffield. Good luck with practice tomorrow, sorry I won't be able to make it, :-). See you all on Sunday!
PS Running a fantasy football league through Yahoo. Real easy, need about 4 more people to sign up. Got me, Chris, Levett, Jim, Sloany, and some others. Will be a lot of fun, and like I said, not hard at all. On-line draft is next Wednesday at 19.55hrs. Just send me an e-mail if you are interested and I will send you the info you need to join up, OK? First come first served... :-)
Tony Potts
Tue 12 Aug 2003
Calling from: Leeds
Good Luck on Sunday against the Ceasars. It should be a great game.
Eric Bodemeijer
Tue 12 Aug 2003
Calling from: Almere, Holland
Hey Senators,
Congratulations with your 11 th win in a row. Yeah I keep checking you guys everytime on the internet and I wish you good luck for the gam against Nottingham. Ennuh Wimmie hoe gaat die makker???
Eric Bodemeijer#22 of the Hilversum Hurricanes
Tue 12 Aug 2003
Calling from: Sunderland
Have to fully agree with Humey's praise for Millie, yes the O Line open the holes but some of the moves he has put on teams this year have been something else, and God knows how he keeps calm (some of the time) when a big run is called back for a stupid penalty.
As a team we went 10 -0 in the regular season, that was a team effort something that can never be taken away.
The D have done well this year, that cannot be denied, we have surpassed the targets set at the beginning of the season, but what else has been pleasing is that we know that if we can stop the other team then we have an offence that can move the ball on any team in this division, when they click they are awesome. Take the Teesside game at home, from a spectator's point of view that was the best I have seen our offence execute, there is no reason why this can't happen again on Sunday; stay focused, raise your game to our high standards, don't take the bait from the opposition and Play Senator Football. If you do that even our D would find it difficult to live with.
The other pleasing aspect of this season is the 'Sunday Family'. I have never had so much fun since I started playing for the Senators, turn out for training has been better that other seasons, and come game day we actually have a squad of players who want to play Senator Football.
See you all Wednesday.
DP #38
kung foo phil#4
Mon 11 Aug 2003
Calling from: Nottingham
Congrats on the win lads. CEEE you on Sunday
Mon 11 Aug 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Normally I don't sing the praises of the 'Superstars' who win the MVPs & get their names in First Down. I'm more the type who'll say it's a good offensive line that makes a running back look good! (Probably because I am an offensive lineman!) But on behalf of my fellow lineman I'd like to give a big thanks Millie for making the line look good yesterday! I've given the guy a hard time this year but he knows it's mostly fun, the rest just frustration because I know he could do better! All credit to guy missing Mike 'The human bowling ball' Levett to work commitments, 'Johnny Bravo' Rooney to injury (Although he seemed fine running up the steps at the Quayside after a few beers?) & 'The Mini Boglin' to the Sars virus/Plague/Black Death he played four quarters & ran hard all game. Even more astonishing is how the guy keeps his cool after having so many long TD runs brought back for stupid penalties! Big thanks to the two way 'Superstars' 'The Heed' & 'The Ass' (aka Gadge & Will) for giving the hard working RBs a rest! Then there's the Defense - words cannot describe the offense's/team's admiration, gratitude & RESPECT for what they have done this year, lead by the 'Barbarian' himself we know we're always in the game & the D has NEVER let us down all year!
Nottingham next guys, the old school know what to expect & the mighty Ceeeeeee NEVER disappoint! 99.9% won't get the job done, you've got be 100% a 100% of the time to get the win!
Let's see a big turn out on Wednesday.
Noakesi #2 D.O.S.
Mon 11 Aug 2003
Calling from: Oxford
Senators, thanks for the game yesterday and good luck next week against the Ceee. Your post match hospitality surpassed expectations and the chilli + curry were enough to fuel the coach back in record time. Still meant a 2:30AM home time! A favour, do you have any other photos that we may use for our web-site at all - we should get ours shortly.
angel macleod
Mon 11 Aug 2003
Calling from: norwich
"I firmly believe that any mans finest hour - his greatest fulfilment to all he holds dear ... that when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious"
Roy #44
Mon 11 Aug 2003
Calling from: Sunderland
Semi Finals guys. Great result but we must play Senator football and not fall victim to others. We must channel that aggression on the field and play to the best of our ability. Flags fly, players take cheap shots, but we must not lower our standards and resort to retaliatory strikes. Only one more game so let's PLAY Senators football.
Gilly #86 Caesars
Sun 10 Aug 2003
Calling from: Nottingham
We're coming for ya guys!!!!
Sun 10 Aug 2003
Calling from: Nottingham
well done lads, heard your game was as littered with yellow flags as ours........
we'll catch up with you boys next week, and gary, this year i will block one of your punts!!!!!! if you have to punt that is!
Fri 08 Aug 2003
Calling from: Enfield
Hey guys, just wanted to wish you luck for the upcoming game(s). Sorry for bailing mid season but had to move down to London to start work. Keep doing what you're doing and take it all the way to Sheffield!! Later guys.
Fri 08 Aug 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
AT LAST!! Sudden death football, no tomorrow, every game, every play could be the last!! Now the REAL football begins!! The regular season record means NOTHING!! We still ain't found that pot we've been hunting for yet!!
GET UP FOR IT!! (Surely everyone knows what that means!!)
Fri 08 Aug 2003
Calling from: London
Good luck Sunday guys, Sheffield aint gona know what hit them if you lot and the EK mob get to the Bowl.....
Fri 08 Aug 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Harra, I know what you're on about. Rooney's your chicken and you're his rooster.
Thu 07 Aug 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
C'mon let's get them. I know where they're hiding.
Sean Mantey
Thu 07 Aug 2003
Calling from: Manchester
Well done lads!
It's good to see some of my old team mates are still playing.
Good luck for playoffs.
Wed 06 Aug 2003
Calling from: Sunderland
Have to agree with Dutch, the last 10 games mean nothing unless we go all the way to Sheffield, I know none of us are taking that for granted, It's one game at a time from now on there is no second chance, and there will be no easy games.
Just because Oxford have a long drive up on Sunday doesn't mean they we be weary when they arrive, just remember Redditch last season, we all know what happened there (if you don't ask on Sunday).
Make sure you all arrive on time that's 12.00 o'clock in case you missed it with your game head on, that goes for the pikie as well.
See you all Sunday.
DP #38
Boy de Waart (The UnDutchable)
Tue 05 Aug 2003
Calling from: Lancaster
Well guys...
Must say that it has been a privilege and a lot of fun playing with all of you. We have overcome a lot of adversity, from outsiders as well as within, to bring off the perfect season. That doesn't mean anything unless we go perfect in the playoffs. Let's go for 3-0 boys! Let's get our gameheads screwed on and get ready for the ride to 13-0! See ALL of you Sunday!
gary r lee
Mon 04 Aug 2003
Calling from: wirral
good luck lads . go all the way .make div 2 north proud ..
NH 60
Noakesi #2 D.O.S.
Mon 04 Aug 2003
Calling from: Oxford
Looking forward to the first Saints-Senators match and following the result a good dose of the famous Senators post-match refreshments!
Caesars #32
Mon 04 Aug 2003
Calling from: Nottingham
Congrats on winning the Div boys. Shame we never got to meet in the Regular season but hey thats life.I have a strange feeling we are gonna meet and as everyone is saying 'What a game that would be'. Keep up the good work and we will do our best to see you in a couple of weeks. BRING IT ON...... Ceeeeee ya later..... Scott#32
Mon 04 Aug 2003
Calling from: Danby, Middlesbrough
Can someone tell me who we are playing on Sunday as my computer is struggling with the BSL website? Bring on homefield advantage!!
Fri 01 Aug 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
A well done to all - I was TRULY impressed by the new wave of TALENT I witnessed at the games I was "Blessed" to see. I say that as it was difficult to see many due to work constraints. I must say that the "Sunday Family" spirit is alive. I wish you all the success in the Playoffs and pray no serious injuries occur - to the "old guard". A well earned notch in the belt to the success of the Senators. It is a crime that not enough people come out and watch the brilliance on both sides of the ball, hopefully the people of Gateshead see the Gem they have representing their area. Good Luck to all and CONGRATS !!!
Dave Moore
Wed 30 Jul 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Congratulations on the perfect season, especially with all the off field distractions such as differing home venues and players from other teams slagging the team off. All the players at the club have shown the true meaning of the Sunday family by playing for each other and not just themselves. It's good to see the respect and appreciation shown to each other.
On the downside it means I have to go out to buy some more films to record the playoffs.
Once again, well done and all the best.
Tue 29 Jul 2003
Calling from: Cramlington
Just to say congrats lads on a perfect season. Will come and watch the playoffs at home of course.
Well done the lot of you!
Mark Sloan
Tue 29 Jul 2003
Calling from: Preston
Just arrived back yesterday night and adding my congrats to all for a great achievement of not only the 10-0 record, but winning the division and winning it in style. The goals set for the D have been achieved in full, easily surpassed. Glad that the end of the regular season was celebrated in style, Senator style ;o) Hope to see EVERYONE at practice on Sunday. Well done guys, you have made being retired almost bearable.
Tue 29 Jul 2003
Calling from: Darlington
Right lads, this is the first opportunity I have had to say thanks to you all for the dedication and effort put in by all members of the Sunday Family. Coaches / Veterans / Rookies and Gameday Staff - outstanding !!!! From the big lads on the line who provided the holes for me & the rest of the running backs to run through, the skinny student receivers who I can truly say complement our running game and give us the ability on offence to be varied in our attack. And sat at the controls of this finely tuned beast! The Grey Flash - nice one Davey lad, well done. Well that's the offensive praise out the way.
Defence words are hard to come by to express my delight in what you have achieved so far this year! A Veteran performance from all the D, no rookies in my eyes, awesome !!!!! And for all of us who played on the special teams, nice one this year it has not been the forgotten part of the team. Right now for the job at hand, forget the season the old half time nil - nil approach has to be taken for the playoffs. Prove we are the best every down of every quarter till we get to the Final Whistle! One game at a time gentlemen!!!! Got to go now, boss frowning at me but one last thing before I go.
Tue 29 Jul 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Through the adversity and the abuse we have taken this season, one thing has remained visible thorugh it all - the belief in each other. As a family we stick together through hell and high water. To the new guys on the block, well done!! - you deserve the praise for playing alongside the veterans who have "been there, done that". To the 'O' line, my hat goes off to you as without you, Milli would not have rushed for over 1500 yards and the Grey Flash would not have hit so many highlight film passes.
To the Special Teams for actually being a third of the team this year and not just another stat. To the coaches on the sidelines who fight our case every time a zebra does the unthinkable and gets a play right.
Finally, I bow down to the whole Defense and say 'Not Worthy' guys - awesome display this season, allowing only 25 point against us is just excellent, worthy of an award itself.
Lets focus on one game at a time and make the 'pot hunter's' express role come August 31st.
Gaz 'The Stats Man'
Saxons 71
Mon 28 Jul 2003
Calling from: Boston,Lincolnshire
Well done Senators on a PERFECT season.Just a shame we did'nt cross Paths.Good Luck in the Playoffs Looks like it'll come down to you & the BIG C's.Thats a game I gotta watch.All the best guys on the rest of the season & we'll cya at The Valey on the 31st Aug
Mon 28 Jul 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Congrats on the 10 and 0 season.
Keep it rolling into the playoffs and finish it at Sheffield.
Mon 28 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
I like this 10-0 feeling. Proper bo, I tell thee.
Russ Hewitt - D Co-ordinator Southern Sundevils
Mon 28 Jul 2003
Calling from: Southampton
Congratulations on Winning the Northern Conference!!!
One more game to go (Oxford-South Wales), but looks like we'll be experiencing Senators Football soon!!
Well Done Lads
Hope to see you Soon
Russ Hewitt
Terry Scott
Mon 28 Jul 2003
Calling from: Zagreb, Croatia
Well done to Senators old and new. Now go take the championship. Good luck to you all.
Rapper, take it easy you're getting old.
Sloany, remember you're old and retired now so no oiling your calipers and taking to the field when you get to the bowl game!!
Luv and hugs
Sun 27 Jul 2003
Calling from: South Shields
10-0 feels good, worth the all the stick we've taken this year!! Regardless of other people's opinions we EARNED it & it only gets harder from here on!! Let's take it one game at a time, take nothing for granted, we're going have to be at our best to win now - No tomorrow!! Play every game like it's the last of the season - because it IS!!
Do you WANT it?!!
Sat 26 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
What time is the pot hunter express leaving tomorrow?
Fri 25 Jul 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
If that's THE Derrick Brooks can we sign him up before the play offs?. It would mean that Will could complete his evolution from corner and start playing line.
See you at Gretna
Fri 25 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Also want to add the congrats about the Hand of God catch.
The idea about going out on the Toon after home games is a good one and there are gonna be numerous free beds in my Bigg Market palace.
Fri 25 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Thu 24 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Guys, all I can say is that it has been a pleasure playing along side you, the amount I have learnt in the past 9 games has been immense. I hope that I can be a part of this team for the next 20 years or so and fly the flag for the Senators. Thank you for your support and here's to the playoffs!
Thu 24 Jul 2003
Calling from: Sunderland
The Pot Hunters' Express rolls in to Glasgow on Sunday, rest assured Glasgow will be up for it, trying to end their season on a high and what better way than to knock the Senators off top spot.
Let's make sure we go into the play-offs on a high as Division Two North Conference winners sitting 10 - 0, how many of us would have settled for that at the end of the season?
Some interesting posts on the BSL Forum especially from our friends up north in Div. One, would not like to disappoint their predictions regarding the play-offs (thanks for the vote of confidence Baggy & Tee), we have achieved nothing yet nobody remembers the losers only the winners, you've all seen how much abuse we get when we win, imagine how much we will get if we get beaten.
We started the season with one goal lets make sure we achieve that goal, the train is on the track and it's gathering speed, next stop Glasgow.
See you all Sunday
DP #38
Derrick Brooks
Wed 23 Jul 2003
Calling from: winlaton (gateshead)
how do i go about playing for or gettin trials or what for gateshead senators..any way to join the team ??
Tue 22 Jul 2003
Calling from: Leeds
Congratulations on your victory over us on Sunday, wanted to add my applause for the one handed catch, for a minute I thought we were taking part in an NFL highlight film.
Just brought back my breakfast having read your game report but what the heck it's your website and I suppose that means you can put whatever you want on it!!!
No denying the shutout but was it really down to wonderfull defence? Knowing how experienced you are I bet theres extra practice for the 'D' before the playoffs.
An update on our injury list, of the several guys who inadvertently got in the way of your headhunters albeit with our backs turned I'm glad to say nobody actually made it into a wheelchair this week. Thanks.
Grizzly Mustang
Mon 21 Jul 2003
Calling from: sheffield
What a catch young you were next to the 'stangs sideline you must have heard the roar you got from us. worth the admission alone.
Adios amigos (what did i start there)......its been.....emotional
Mark Lindsey
Mon 21 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Just wanted to congratulate Rich Green on what was probably the best catch I have seen a receiver make in a Gateshead shirt. I know that's some claim considering the likes of Paul Shorten, Kev Nixon, John Hartley and Larry Mann (least said the better eh!) have donned the green and white, but 'Jesus' (yes, I know that's his new nickname) ....that was some one handed grab and had the sideline going mental!!!
Secondly, Good laugh out on the town last night lads, we should make it a regular thing after our home playoff games.......anyone who was at Hull knows the fun we have when the boys hit the town.
As Mr Marshall says....'one more step' then the REAL games start.
paul wake #70
Mon 21 Jul 2003
Calling from: Doncaster
Enjoyed yesterday, guys. Thanks. With the exception of one or two 'dubious' blocks - but sometimes you've gotta do what you've gotta do.
Where was the paella we were promised? The chilli was okay, but not really Spanish was it?
Derek Parry
Fri 18 Jul 2003
Calling from: Sunderland
A quote from the Mustangs' Forum
"Well chaps, the biggest game of the season is upon us. Are we up for it?
We have had an unbeleivable rookie year. Our squad is getting stronger -at least three quality players ready to sign for next season, the organisation is superb.
What a time to have what is in effect our bowl game. Gateshead are a class act with Div 1 pedigree but it sure would feel good to put a blot on their win/loss record. We can still have a say in the playoffs even though it won't directly affect us.
Time to step up.
See you all Sunday."
Regardless of what crap has been written on any forum we have to show the Mustangs respect on Sunday. Most of the crap posted is all aimed at trying to wind the other team up, all teams in the BSL are guilty of this.
The Mustangs intend to do their talking on Sunday we must do the same, as I have posted previously we are there to be shot at and all teams are gunning for us, like Humey has already said previously one slip and the Caesars will take 1st place. Doncaster & Glasgow will be out to stop us going 10 - 0 at all costs and good luck to them.
Remember on Sunday we all need to remain focused we need to play hard and clinical not hard and cynical, if we keep a clean field and execute the plays on O like we know we can and stay solid on D our destiny is in our hands.
See you on Sunday
Paul Wake
Wed 16 Jul 2003
Calling from: Doncaster
Where's Dunc then? Is he not playing for you guys this season?
Good to hear you're having your pitch relaid. was the green paint starting to peel off the concrete? Don't know how some of your guy's knees manage on that surface.
P Wake (#70)
Had some good ding-dongs with you guys playing for Sheffield; hope this one will be just as good.
See Ya Sunday
Terry Treloar
Wed 16 Jul 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Will some body help me out. Have just read that you are changing venue for your last game with doncaster. Question is has anyone informed Bafra, as Iam one of the officials for that game and as far as I know it at north shields. Gary I have left my number on your ansa phone please confirm.
Tony Potts
Mon 14 Jul 2003
Calling from: Leeds
As Defensive Coach for the Mustangs I'm looking forward to returning to your place, the last time I was there was when I captained Steel City Giants to a close win in '88. We faced each other a few times and they were always good games with a great relatyionship as well. Are any of your guys still involved from the team back then? It would be nice to do some reminissing in the bar afterwards. I haven't paid any attention to the stuff on the forums, unfortunatley having an open forum means that there are certain people who like to stir it!!
Look forward to being there on Sunday.
Tony Potts
Mon 14 Jul 2003
Calling from: South Shields
Just been checking this week's result & upcoming league fixtures, the pressure isn't off us yet guys just because we're in the playoffs. Regardless of any handbags swung, lost dummies or either team's record this week's & next week's games are must wins!! Nottingham are on our tails, they haven't lost a game yet (1 tied) & they play Manchester next week who are yet to win!! If we lose against Doncaster or Glasgow we may drop from 1st place to 4th and will have to travel in the 2nd round of the playoffs!!
Sat 12 Jul 2003
Calling from: Spain
OLA ! As a member of the Senoritas I would like to remind the Doncaster guys that we shall be serving Sangria and Paella after the game at the Schooner Tapas Bar on Sunday coming. Part of this great game we play is the crack both on and off the field (not the drug variety)if Sundays game is half as amusing as some of the posts I've read from both sides then it should be well worth playing in.
Will(or is that Jaun) #21
See you all on Sunday
Doug McLean
Fri 11 Jul 2003
Calling from: Doncaster
All Senators
To reiterate what Mark Blyth said. My comments at the beginning of the season was not a put down on the Senators but what, in my opinion was a bad decision by the league. As a matter of fact it speaks respect for the team because I recognized what a more difficult season it would make for the Mustangs as I knew it would be hard enough to get by the Surge and Caesars.
I still believe the decision was wrong, you were too good a playing team to be in the lower division but you are there, the decision is history and we will press on and do our best and hopefully the players and myself will learn from our experiences.
Every team usually has a few mental midgets knocking around but it is no excuse for bad vibes between teams. I am hoping to work something out with Coach Marshall and your team for post season but will leave that until we meet on the 2oth.
Doug McLean
HC Doncaster Mustangs
Fri 11 Jul 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Remember what Coach Marshall said after our narrow win against Dundee, I do. Let's be professional about this and show the league and all of our fellow players across the league just what it means to be part of the 'Sunday Family'. Davey Nim - Listen to what the Mr. Sloan says, take the plays and drive the offence the way you know you can do it. Offence, take Humey's example from the field and play with your heart and your head, but most of all support your family.
'D', now's your chance while Mark is away, make him proud. Think back to the games when people have started loosing their cool over dumb calls from the refs and the bickering on the sideline has been crazy. Who stayed calm and thought it through - Mark did, you owe him, so play the next two games in his absence like you know you can.
Let's forget the forum talk and do it on the field where it counts.
Fri 11 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
What exactly have I said that has upset the Mustangs? Aren't they indeed 3-5 with a possibility of a losing season? I've visited their forum in the past and read their comments on the Senators. I guess football just isn't the same anymore.
Mark Blyth
Thu 10 Jul 2003
Calling from: Doncaster
Dear Senators,
You are right, you do seem to have upset one or two of our squad with your comments. Thing is i'm struggling to understand why you have chosen to make these comments.
Please do not forget that as a Director of the Senior League I was part of the commitee that allowed you to drop to D2 in the first place and for which I seem to get a certain amount of stick week in week out.
Indeed the thread that began on the BSL forum was started by our Head Coach but I don't think it was intended as a derogatory piece, simply a question asked of the Board.
Then we had another thread basically slagging the Mustangs which was, at my request, removed form the BSL forum.
And a quick look through our forum will show that we basically don't give a monkeys (pardon the pun). We just want to play football. We've had a slump recently but on the whole, for a rookie team, we think we are doing ok.
So all in all we are looking forward to a week on Sunday as it will be our toughest game of the year. But we like it tough and we play the same way.
I hope this can be an end to the rubbish that has been going on.
Mark Blyth - GM - Doncaster Mustangs
Mark Sloan
Thu 10 Jul 2003
Calling from: Preston
Just a few words as I won't be at the next two games.
For Davey Nimmins, its your O, your huddle. Boss it, don't rant and rave, take charge and get the O rolling. Gary calls the plays but you make the plays. Don't let a few errors get to you, be patient and the good stuff will come. See you at 10-0.
For the rest of the O. Play with the skill and class that you have in abundance. Ally it to the effort and desire that we sometimes take for granted and we will go far. Play at full speed, ask Rapper and the OL what I mean.
For the D. Listen to what Will says. He will be D coach while I am away. Afford him the same respect and give him the same effort that you have given me over the season and he will have no complaints. Play the same way that you have done up until now and the No1 ranking is ours to win, go for it.
One more thing. Don't rise to the bait of some of the other individuals in this league. We have overcome a lot of bad press so far. Teams that we have played have changed their thoughts and opinions about us after our games. When some of cracks from the cheap seats are heard, just remember, that with all their football knowledge, their immense experience and ability on the field and on the various forums plus £2, they can get a pint in my local and a part share in a bridge ;o) In my absence all bridge sales enquiries go to Mr Marshall. Have a ball guys, see you in the playoffs.
Thu 10 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Hey Carpets
I think you've upset Doncaster, have a look on their forum! They've called you a retard but surely you know that monkey hangers are from Hartlepool and not Gateshead (or Shields).
Wed 09 Jul 2003
Calling from: South Shields
Not a lot to say about the Dundee game, just glad it's over. There're 14 hours out of our lives we'll never get back, hope I never have to go there again. Still, a lot to play for guys. We may be in the playoffs but I'd rather have home field advantage throughout. I think since we annihilated Teesside we've kind of taken our foot off the pedal of the unstoppable Pot Hunter's Express! Yeah, we haven't lost but the playoffs will be a different story, all the teams will have earned their playoff spots through their ability to play football - and mostly win!! Lets face it, out of the teams we've played so far & the one different team we have yet to play only one of them has a realistic chance of post season play. This team being Dundee and look how close our game was away to them!! Here's some boring maths for you - we've outscored our opponents at home 251 to 8, whilst away it's 130 to 14. The away stat is still impressive but at home we've beaten teams by an average of just less than 61 points whereas away it's 29 points!! At some point we may have to play Cambridgeshire, Nottingham or Bristol which will be tough games at home, never mind away!! I know a few of us may think there's a few scores to be settled in our next game after some of the things that have been said. But look guys, if our upcoming opponents had played more football rather than mouthing off about the Senators they'd be 8-0 like us instead of 3-5 and staring a losing season in the face!. We've had our lull guys, time to pick up the pace to hit top form come playoff time!
P.S. Davey Will, where's training on Sunday?? As the athletics is on at the stadium. Also are we going out Saturday night to celebrate your recent fatherhood or not??
Tue 08 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Well 8-0, what can I say? The pot hunter express keeps rolling!!! A big thank you to the O line for the blocking on Sunday. See you all at training.
Tue 08 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
If any of you are interested I got an e - mail from Piet Eichhorn. Apparently Hilversum lost the Clog Bowl, or whatever they call it, 6 - 2 to Amsterdam despite out gaining them 3 to 1 on offense.
Mr Nimmins
Tue 08 Jul 2003
Calling from: Whitley Bay
I just want to say sorry to all the people I shouted at Sunday gone, its just that I really want to go to the show. Receivers sorry as well, but you have to catch that rock. I have done it for 10 years at div. one level so that's why I get a bit cranky. Big up to Will and Gadga. Only we can beat our selves.
Mon 07 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
A hard fought game yesterday but we are in the playoffs so congrats all round. But this shouldn't mean we ease up at all on the games before the playoffs.
Roy Davis
Fri 04 Jul 2003
Calling from: Sunderland
See all you guys on Sunday. As stated pre season I am now available so will be playing my small part in the team doing what ever is required of me during the game.
Mark Sloan
Thu 03 Jul 2003
Calling from: Preston
Just in case some of the D don't make it to Dundee can you all send me your e-mail addresses as I won't be at the two games after this weekend. Just a few things to pass on for the two games coming up if I don't get the opportunity on Sunday. See you all in Dundee.
Thu 03 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Lads, don't forget your water bottles, first aid kits & lawnmowers for Sunday!!. I hope the Blade's ordered a larger pot hunters' express coach for all the extra gear!!
terry Treloar
Thu 03 Jul 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
I know some of your player live in the outback called darlington. I need your help I am to Ref the next tees valley game and I am after direction from gateshead. Make them plain and simple and I can come down either the A1 or A69
Thu 03 Jul 2003
Calling from: Sunderland
Sorry I can't make the trip to Dundee on Sunday, as I will be in Ireland, I may not be there in body but I will be there in spirit. Good luck for the game although I am sure luck will play no part, the offence have been firing on all cylinders in the last few games, everyone has stepped up and played hard, the defence as usual have been awesome. I expect the same on Sunday. Remember Dundee are the only team to score against us this season, let's show the division that was a one-off, if we play to our best, victory will be ours, the pot hunters' express is rolling on.
PS. Uncle, you can have my spot on kick off & kick return if that's all right with Special Teams Captain Ed.
See you at training a week on Sunday, if not Doncaster.
Thu 03 Jul 2003
Calling from: Canada
Right then on to Dundee, I don't suppose you have space on the team for me any more (well maybe special teams). Does anyone have the details for Sunday as I am getting back on Friday?
I went to the Ti-Cats vs the Argos on Monday and it was the worst performance by a team ever! I think Tees Valley would give them a good game, they were that bad.
Wed 02 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Looking forward to the game on Sunday with the 'full' Dundee squad. Cheers for the vote of confidence Humey, I'm just annoyed that I got deprived of my first proper senior league pancake. See you all on Sunday.
Kev Ramsay
Wed 02 Jul 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Keep up the good work lads, great to see you're on the way to a perfect season this year. Wish I could be there to join in. See y'all soon.
Mark Lindsey
Tue 24 Jun 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Another impressive performance to no doubt, have those b**lsh**T forum boys typing their little fingers into overdrive!! CONGRATS to Millie on breaking the 1000 yard barrier, and also to the guys blocking up front who made it possible!!
Nice one Mr Catherall on finally breaking the D's scoring duck, Hopefully the suspension on the 'Pot-Hunters Express' will be fixed in time for our next trip.
All aboard next stop Dundee.........
dave 'wiggy' williams
Tue 24 Jun 2003
Calling from: slough, berkshire
its great to see you're doing so well this season. keep the momentum going and win it all.
Mon 23 Jun 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Another win guys! Not quite on fire like we were against Teesside but a great TEAM performance! - as usual the defense was outstanding, the very basics of football are that the team with the most points wins and if teams can't score on us they can't win. One score allowed by the D in 7 games, 6 games where the D has shut out the opposition, that's AWESOME in ANY league!! Great job by my fellow O lineman. One starter out and losing another during the game left us with a fairly inexperienced left side but we were still able to gain big yardage going left. No matter how good a game a running back may have he can't gain over 300 yards without good blocking!! The rookies again stepping up - Rooney playing D line and deserving his MVP (maybe now the D will forgive you for the safety!) as well as scoring on offense and AT LAST learning to lower those shoulders and run over people!! Slinky doing a superb job on the O line, joking aside that hit was text book, way to play it!
All the receivers contributing, still a few too many drops mind! But great downfield blocking on those long TD runs! Finally once again yet another great leadership performance by Davey 'Heisman' Nimmins (I know how much this means to you mate!)
Let's keep it rollin' boys - next stop Dundee!!
Mon 23 Jun 2003
Calling from: Canada
Good result guys, sorry I missed it but I will be back for the next game. Quality weather over here but not as good as Senator football.
Nathan Hazel
Mon 23 Jun 2003
Calling from: Merseyside
Dear all
It was good to be playing the Senators again (even though it was on the wrong side of a 46-0 score). Nice to see some of the OLD faces, nice to see I'm not the only one. Hope you go all the way (as if you won't!). Good luck lads.
Nate#5 (Mersey)
Sun 22 Jun 2003
Calling from: Sunderland
Another great result guys and should hopefully see you all in two weeks time.
Sat 21 Jun 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Just a quick one to wish you all the best for Sunday's game. This is the first of a 3 game stretch where we play teams that have disrespected us by talking s$£t about something they know nothing about. Sunday is time to give them something to whinge about. Oh, and mind the wheels on the bus - it could be on bricks by the time the game is finished. ;)
Fri 20 Jun 2003
Calling from: Cramlington
All the best for Sunday, lads.
Thu 19 Jun 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Cheers Humey... Laughing all the way
Thu 19 Jun 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Sincs - I think were leaving Central Station about 8.30ish travelling down on the Pot Hunter's express have a laugh come home 7-0 then laughing some more at the muppets on the BullS**t & Lies forum who will be poised over their keyboards waiting for results. Have a coke and a smile!! Oh and we might try and sell some bridges while were there. Mr 'Heisman' Nimmins I don't think we'll get that much for Shrek, we serve only the finest Melon Soup to our supporters and of course you when the pictures are being taken - it's the only reason you play - ya poser!!
Wed 18 Jun 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Does anyone know the details for the Merseyside game as some of we rookies need to know? I'll pass the message on.
Mr Nimmins
Wed 18 Jun 2003
Calling from: Whitley Bay
I would just like to second what Mark has said. As for this Man U stuff does this mean we have sold Lee to REAL BIRMINGHAM for three bob and a balloon? Does Rich Green need an Alice band? And why are we not serving prawn sandwiches to the supporters? C you boys on Sunday for the Merseyside game, and no, I don't know when the pictures are being taken Mr Hume.
Wed 18 Jun 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Does anyone know which route the team bus is taking to Merseyside? I will be at home (St Helens) on the Sat night and could do with being picked up, I can get to pretty much any service station in Merseyside (M6 or M58). Cheers guys, bring on the Nighthawks...
Mark Sloan
Mon 16 Jun 2003
Calling from: Preston
Nice to hear from all the former players wishing us well. I don't think I have ever seen so many former players turning up to watch games before. It seems that not only do the present bunch of players win games, they have started to get us a "crowd". Gary might have to start charging entrance fees soon ;o) Seriously fellas, it is a benchmark, not only of the success that you are having, but also, the standard of play that you are achieving. No matter how much former players love the team, they wouldn't keep coming out to spectate if they didn't find the way we play good to watch. Well done to each and every one on the team. I also must echo the praise for the new lads. The way you have all slotted in has been beyond all expectations. The veterans have also done their bit (more than a bit)and the way that we have stopped being veterans, rookies etc. and just become plain TEAM is a credit to each and every one of you. No matter what the rest of the season hold, you can all hold your heads high at what you have achieved. The team was on a downward spiral before this season but you all, through hard work and superb execution, have turned the team around and you should be proud of the height to which the team has now risen. We now need to keep playing at our level, full speed and with the same intensity and poise that we have shown up to this point in the season. By keeping this up their are no limits to what we can achieve together, and that's just how we will do it, together. Be there Sunday. Another step to take.
PS Don't buy any bridges ;o)
Fri 13 Jun 2003
Calling from: Gateshead
Match report was not in Chronicle again this week as it will be in the pink tomorrow.
Thu 12 Jun 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
Just thought I'd post a few more excuses for those teams that have been beaten by us so far to use.
1 My seat's too hard
2 Should have been Buffalo
3 My joypad isn't plugged in
4 The grass is too long/short/hard/soft
5 Senators are hiding weapons of mass destruction in their changing rooms
6 Saddam Hussein is hiding at Gary Marshall's house(in the cupboard with Wes)
Anymore excuses are gratefully received. Can't make Merseyside but I will see you all at Dundee.
Will :)
Wolves 55
Thu 12 Jun 2003
Calling from: Edinburgh
Guys, just want to say thanks for the emails of congratulations that some of you have sent after our first win. Best of luck for the rest of the season - stick with what you've been doing and let your playing on the field (where it matters) do the talking.
All the best
Ali May
Wolves centre/secretary
Terry Scott
Thu 12 Jun 2003
Calling from: Zagreb, Croatia
Congrats on the season so far. Looks like you have picked up some new talent, maybe Rapper will stop having to play both ways. Nice to see Sloany taking up a coaching position, make sure you don't knock his zimmer over, who knows it may lead to the ROAD TO THE BOWL. Any way catch you later, have to go to keep the peace.
Thu 12 Jun 2003
Calling from: Sunderland
Talk is cheap, so is using the internet at work, don't believe the hype we have not become the Manchester United of the BSL, most post are aimed at the league set up and their decision and we are not the most hated team in the land (although if you believe the press you could be forgiven for believing this).
Most posts from teams/players who can walk the walk are not aimed at the Senators in fact most are in support of the Sunday family.
Those new player (or old players) of new teams need to prove they can walk the walk before they slag us off.
There are a few more games against teams who many of you know have been fairly vocal in their opinions of the Senators, not sure if it's jealousy, fear or what, but please show them the respect that they have not shown us.
I would also like to echo the sentiments of my other senior members of the Sunday family, in praising the rookie players this year, they have stepped up when needed and proved they can compete with the best Div 2 has to offer, I have no reservations that should we be promoted they will do the same in Div 1.
Thu 12 Jun 2003
Calling from: Newcastle
I think I can probably speak for all the new boys in saying that the flapping mouths of some serious jealous players wanting to be Senators doesn't bother us and we're just having too much fun to even care. Besides, those of us that have come from the Raiders have already had a season of this anyway. We're just gonna keep on fighting for our place in the Sunday family.
Thu 12 Jun 2003
Calling from: Nottingham
Jeez! Impressive win fellas. Mustangs players are slating us too,
along with individuals from other teams. WE can't blame the whole team for
it. Seems you can't win big without someone critisizing the way you play. I
heard some of you guys are coming down to one of our games. Maybe come out
on the town with us afterward? Anyway. Keep up the good work and hopefully
we'll all meet on the gridiron again soon. I think I can safely say that
we've formed a long standing, good, FRIENDLY, rivalry with you Senators.
Ceeee U guys soon.
Tue 10 Jun 2003
calling from: Brighton
Can't believe the grief you guys are getting for your hard earned success in Div 2.
I've played against you guys twice in the play-offs, for the Sussex Thunder. Two quality hard fought games.
Good luck for the remainder of the season and don't underestimate the southern teams. Southern, Bristol & Cambridge are all good sides.
PA Knights #44
Mark Sloan
Tue 10 Jun 2003
calling from: Preston
For those who haven't looked at the Mustangs site I can save you a job. The thread is just a rehash of stuff on the BSL forum stating that we are pot hunting glory boys etc. Nothing new and nothing to get worked up about. Ignore it. Do what we do best and save our energy for Sundays on the field. Lets face it, a team called Mustangs had to talk a certain amount of horse**** ;o)
Tue 10 Jun 2003
calling from: Gateshead
To all the new players who shouldn't have to deal with all the S**T that's being said about us; well done on Sunday. Enjoy what you guys have achieved this season, you deserve it!! I think it's time to listen to my own advice and stop reading other teams' websites and what they're saying about us, especially the BSL or BullS**t & Lies forum. It's As*clowns like those talking utter pants about us without knowing the full story that is killing this beloved game in this country. Half of these muppets running their mouths have not achieved half of what the Senators have. Some of the league new boys might think it's OK to slag off the legendary GIs, but let's see where they are in a few years time. Maybe they should walk the walk before they talk the talk.
It's not all bad guys. There is some support and understanding for the decision we made, mostly from people who know the facts and have actually played the Senators before. The Senators have always had their HATE club, but it's the fact that we've not let it get to us and just carried on playing Senator football that has meant that this club and some of its players were banging heads before some of these muppets were even born.
Let's not let these Evostick sniffers get to us, remember what this game's all about - The football!!
Dunc "Spunky" French
Tue 10 Jun 2003
calling from: Connecticut, USA
Now then fellas,
Hope you are all well. Just a quick note to say well done on the season so far. I guess I'm going to be warming the bench upon my return, what with all these new toys and Millie ripping it up. Its nice to read about all the old toys still doing their thing though...hey Nimmins, Carpet, Rapper, Woots, Will, Fridge, and all the boyz. I see nothing changes however, and some teams are still finding excuses to shoot the sh#t in our direction. Well, I guess I can sympathise, its tough to be beaten. To all those bitches who can't take it, you know what that is don't you......."unlucky". Step-up or step-off!
Me, well not much has changed. Just concentrating on getting finished...should be May 2004. Training hard, and getting bigger, faster and stronger! I should be home at Christmas, so hope to catch up with you all then. Until then, to all my extended Sunday family....I'm there in spirit but not in body....until next year! I miss you all, and I look forward to the next time we share a pint. Keep up the strength & conditioning because that's where games are won! Remember...."if you strive for perfection, somewhere along the way you might achieve excellence!". Take care
Tara, Dunc.
Mon 09 Jun 2003
calling from: Gateshead
It's great fun reading about how good we are on all the forums. Check out Doncaster's, they're crying already and we haven't even played them yet!
Dave Moore
Sun 08 Jun 2003
calling from: Gateshead
Well I have just about dried out after watching today's game. Just like to thank you guys for an excellent, if somewhat shortened, game. The commitment throughout the game, even during the torrential rain, was a pleasure to watch and a great advert for the Senators "Sunday family". I am looking forward to the last home game and hopefully better weather..In the meantime I will try to get the game photos to Gary. Good luck for the next games.
PS I bet there were no complaints about lack of water this week!
Mike Gaddes
Sat 07 Jun 2003
calling from: co. durham
Watched your game against edingburgh good game
Hope you do as well against Tees valley
Mark Sloan
Fri 06 Jun 2003
calling from:
Just a quick message to flash my new e-mail address. Impressive or what?
Really big game on Sunday fellas. The journey isn't over yet. Let's get everyone down early and get ready for a tough game.
Message for Tees Valley...........
Bring your own water bottles ;o)
Gary Marshall
Fri 06 Jun 2003
calling from: Prudhoe
Just a quick reminder, we're still at North Shields on Sunday!!
Meet at 12.00 o'clock.
Get your game heads on!!
Thu 05 Jun 2003
calling from: Gateshead
Comments on other websites
Well Gary I see Dundee are still whinging.
Just out of interest I looked up on game management what is required. It states that we must provide them with adequate changing rooms as defined and a supply of water. As for the length of the grass again all that is noted in Game management is adequate marking, God knows what they would have thought about the pitch we played on against Bolton Braves many years ago - a slope of 45 degrees from side to side and all running plays were sweep right or left depending which way you were heading. I am sure Gary and Steve Wooten, and for that matter John Lockhart, will remember. If this is all a team can complain about I say tough luck.
See you
El Tel
Thu 05 Jun 2003
calling from: Darlington
Just a note to say congratulations Davey & Julie. And welcome to the world Baby Abby. Enjoy the early morning feeds Will!!! It's amazing how quickly you can get used to 3-4 hours kip a night. After a while you should start to get your life back - in say about 18 years. Only joking mate, enjoy fatherhood. I do most of the time. Try and make the next one, if any are planned, a boy! It's no fun livvin in a hoose with 3 females - I'm outnumbered. Anyway see you at the game, Daddy!!!
Kev "legen" Ramsay
Wed 04 Jun 2003
calling from:
Just a quick note to say, "Keep up the good work lads." Pleased to see you're kicking some hairy yellow butt. Congrats to Davey Will on becoming a dad, never knew you had it in you, mate... See ya'll later.
Wed 04 Jun 2003
calling from: Gateshead
Let's hope the Baby Wilson doesn't inherit her father's ASS!!
Wed 04 Jun 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Just a quick line guys to say well done for Sunday's result, shame about conceding a score but it had to happen sometime. I would like to say a big thank you for all the messages of congratulations and a thank you for the flowers sent by the club (looks like the subs are £3.00 on Sunday then). See you all Sunday.
Wed 04 Jun 2003
calling from: Newcastle
My sentiments are the same as Sincs'. Congrats to Davey on the news. See you all at the game.
Wed 04 Jun 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Davey, congrats to you and yours on the news of your new born daughter!!! All the best and see you at either training or the next game.
Gary Marshall
Tue 03 Jun 2003
calling from: Hedley
As we have reached the halfway point of the season in terms of games played, I would like to take stock of a few points.
When we decided to drop down it was for reasons already documented elsewhere on this site and we needed some 'new blood' to strengthen the 'family'.
When I have looked at the stats so far it makes very interesting reading!
Of the 30 TDs scored, 15 have been scored by the old hands and 15 from our new family members.
2 XP's from one very old leg
2 XP's from new young leg
10 2pt from old hands
1 2pt from new hands
113 points from the old toys
94 points from the new toys
On 'D' the tackles and sacks also reflect the input of our new boys.
So much for the criticism that we are only in Div 2 'pot hunting' and we should have stayed in Div 1.
As I have said and will continue to say, we made the decision with the best interests of the Club at heart.
I have been mightily impressed with the contribution of those players new to the Club and continue to be impressed with the way the 'old guard' rises to each challenge put in front of us!
Bill and I are also benefiting from the input of Cohan the Barbarian; master bridge salesman and Tim Watton as Coaches on the sideline helping to take the Club forward.
We need to stay focused and do our talking on the field and let the Club officials deal with off the field business.
Here's to the next half of the season and lets get some healthy competition as to whether the 'old toys' or 'new toys' will be top of the toy box at the end of season do!
Must finish with news of a very new toy to be unveiled in 2021!A linebacker named Lucy, daughter of Julie and Davey Will born on Sunday.
Congratulations to both Julie & Will and Abby.
Lucy should be ready by then to take over from her Dad and join 'The Woots' offspring (Liam) as the New Senators LB Corps.!!
See you Thursday and Sunday!
Tue 03 Jun 2003
calling from: Darlington
Is this the team that had a ruddy great metal pipe stuck up in the middle of the pitch when we went to play them? And they are worried about long grass .. go figure
Tue 03 Jun 2003
calling from: Gateshead
Just had word the game report will be in the Pink on Saturday and not the Chronicle Wednesday for those who like to see their name in print.
Mon 02 Jun 2003
calling from: Gateshead
As I'm sure most you have, I have seen the BSL website and the new comments posted after. The fact that the inappropriately named BRITBALL FAN has said he was at the game and the only negative comment he can make is that, I think we all know what that smell is. Not even worth a reply, and if he is associated with the team as I think he is, it comes as no surprise!
We were all there and know the truth and if the BSL website is going to let comments like stand and people like that write such #### don't view it. This is the only message board worth looking at. Football games are won on the field guys. Don't let it put a downer on what was an AWESOME display of SENATOR FOOTBALL.
Gary Marshall
Mon 02 Jun 2003
calling from: Prudhoe
I've seen the aforementioned comment on the BSL web site and I will be replying on behalf of the Club. I do not want anyone else to say anything on the BSL site.We will keep any comments amongst ourselves and 'in family'
Gary Thompson
Mon 02 Jun 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Hey Chaps - Have you seen the comments on the GridIron Website from Britball Fan? He allegedly spoke to a Dundee player who said we didn't have an ambulance, wouldn't supply them water and kept the grass long to help us out. Good to know the friendly banter in the pub after the match was honest.
See ya all Sunday!
calling from: Lancaster
Well done guys. Just wanted to let you know that I won't be there for the next two games. Going on holiday tomorrow for a week, and will miss the game after to be with my dad for his birthday on the 21st. He leaves for Afghanistan with his unit a few days after for a period of at least 6 months. I am sure you will dominate as usual... ;-) Good luck and see you guys for the return match with Dundee in July... Dutch
Terry Treloar
Sun 01 Jun 2003
calling from: Gateshead
Well Ive just seen most of the game against Dundee pity there are crying about Water supply. In the good old days you were lucky if there was a tap. Overall a good game but the mouthing off of some of your team will get you into trouble. While I agree the ref was wrong and he was not covering the players in his area, but regardless what you say he will not change his mind. The players that know me will tell you I always tried to ref fairly, but say the wrong thing and I throw the flag. Some BAD NEWS for you I have been thinking about coming back to Bafra so you will see me on a regular basis
Will be down next week to watch another win hopefully.
Fri 30 May 2003
calling from: Sunderland
Gentlemen, Sunday is nearly upon us and we need to hit the ground running, this game will be our hardest game to date, we must start with the same intensity and focus we finished with against Edinburgh, if we don't we could be looking at our first defeat of the season, with a perfect record and yet to concede a point on D we are there to be shot at, so get to the ground early get dressed and get your game head on.
See you all Sunday.
Fri 30 May 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Just to let you know in advance that my hamstring is still injured. We see you on Sunday for the game and give all the support I can! Sunshine said he would take over my duties on special teams but will sort it out on the day. See ya Sunday
Mark Sloan
Thu 29 May 2003
calling from: Preston
Uncle, I will buy you a bags of nuts on Sunday in the Schooner, after the game. It will be worth it to see you try to get the nuts out with those sausage fingers. Post match cabaret or what?
Wed 28 May 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Just a quick question - is the bag of nuts a metaphor or do I actually get one? If so it will feed my house for about a week until our next visit to The Schooner. If not, oh well...
Wed 28 May 2003
calling from: Darlington
To Lewis who came with Uncle Shaun. I must apologise for chucking my helmet and to the team for being very un-Senatorlike in my attitude on the day. My number was 33. I am usually the Full Back so was annoyed with myself when things weren't going my way at Half Back - that's what happens when you play injured! Anyway I just thought I would say I hope it hasn't spoiled your enjoyment of the game and maybe Uncle Shaun will bring you to our next game where I promise the only time you will see my helmet flying across the pitch is when I'm wearing it.
Apologies Mikey #33
Tue 27 May 2003
calling from: Gateshead
Right guys, just had the badges delivered, now available from my good self, £3 pair (very reasonable, u try u buy). Will have them on Sunday.
dave 'wiggy' williams
Mon 26 May 2003
calling from: slough, berkshire
well done lads, what a great start.
hope there are no injuries and everyone is enjoying this season. keep on having a good time and win the rest of the season eh?!
hey grey flash, hope your knees are still working and you are okay in life.
see you soon, hopefully at a game.
Sun25 May 2003
calling from: Chester-le-street
My uncle (Shaun Pearse) brought me and my cousin to the game today. Thanks for an awesome live game. Beats staying up 'till 2 in the moring to watch NFL coverage. A bit of advice for number 23, or it might be 33. STOP THROWING YOUR HELMET DOWN, IT WILL BREAK!!!
Wed 21 May 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Sorry for not being there guys on Sunday. Congrats on the win and can't wait till I'm back playing after these exams. See you all soon.
Gary Marshall
Tue 20 May 2003
calling from: Hedley
I'd also like to thank Mikey (and more importantly Mikey's missus!) for Sunday's after match refreshments, first class!! Yet another example of the 'Sunday Family' attitude that underlines what we are all about!
Quality food, quality company and a good crack!
Now let's get ready for business on Sunday!
See you at training...
Mark Lindsey
Mon 19 May 2003
calling from: Newcastle
I'd like to re-iterate the 'Carpet Carrier's' sentiment, Cheers Mikey and Family, top tucker mate. There's a poll on the senior league website for best after match scran....suggest we all get on there and vote for Mr Rumney's hooose!
Once again, cheers for the hospitality mate!!
Mon 19 May 2003
calling from: Newcastle
I'd to say a big thanks to Mikey and his family for putting on the grub yesterday, Cheers mate!!
Outstanding Defense(Yet again!!) As for the Offense, the performance was far from acceptable (Yet again!!) Still a win's a win. Let's get it right this Sunday.
Sun 18 May 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Well done lads, it's killing me not being there. I still hold the title of only person to score against Gateshead. Great. I'm so up for next week, onwards and upwards!!!
Sat 17 May 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Sorry guys but it's definite that I can't make the game tomorrow. Have fun and enjoy the derby game for me.
Fri 16 May 2003
calling from: Cramlington
OK boys so the soft pretenders to the northern throne who's the big boys in this leauge give them a good kicking or in carpets words he will lay them out all the best might come down in weather is Ok c ya BigMik
Thu 15 May 2003
calling from: Gateshead
Haven't any of you students heard of re-sits, anyway EEC guidelines state that at least 3 hour break must be taken in any 1 day's study.
Just enough time to dish out a beating to the local whipping boys and fill your cheek pouches with food at the Rumney residence.
Only a joke boys, you all do what's best, and good luck with the exams.
Well its time for Mr. Bear to do some work, and rub myself while thinking about Sunday's game. LOL.
Thu 15 May 2003
calling from: Darlington
See you all on Sunday for the game. Then it's back to mine for food. Got wife , mother and various other women to make food as it saves a 15 mile trek from Darlo to Middlesbrough which is where Tees Valley have their after game party. I am hopefully providing Pizza, chips, chilli, jacket spuds, sarnies etc but we are also having a BBQ weather permitting so bring some burgers as it's going to cost me a fortune to feed you lot. There is however a reasonably priced Booze place 100yds from me hoose so we cant get bear there.
Thu 15 May 2003
calling from: Work (Again!!)
Don't worry if you can't make on Sunday Rooney, we were hoping not to give up any safeties anyway. Plus you would be hard pressed to take any carries away from Mikey in this one. As for the training all you need to do is carry a load of carpets around all the time, it works for me!!
Wed 14 May 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Just to let Mr Nimmins know that I'll also be late for training on Thursday along with Rooney 'cos of this committee thing...
Mally Ditcham
Wed 14 May 2003
calling from: Cheshire
Hi just wanted to say your web site is an impressive professional web site. As a member of the Merseyside nighthawks I take the time to see what other teams web site are like and who I will be playing against in the coming season. Well that's bout it. Just wanna wish you and the team all the best for the season. Good luck. I hope to see you guys on the field. Oh maybe you could take a look at ours, give us some well needed feedback.
Wed 14 May 2003
calling from: Newcastle
I too have a dilemma, I have two exams on Monday, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday. I want to play but shouldn't. Also the 'committee' from the Raiders has a meeting on Thursday to plan the next season. It starts at 6 so I'll try to make training but I'll be late. Humey, can give me some workout tips? This water's getting heavier every year...
Wed 14 May 2003
calling from: Work (But don't tell anyone!!)
Ah!! The excitement of the biggest game ever!!, the Tyne Tees derby. The special red carpet is rolled up and ready to go!!. I know Mr Nimmins is up for it, I just hope everyone else's intensity & focus is the same as the Silver Streak's.
Slinky my man, a good hitting session will clear that confused little head of yours of all that useless nonsense you've gathered in your short life, leaving a blank canvass to fill with knowledge after some last minute studying.
Rooney, it must be very stressful being the GB waterboy, time to play some REAL football my friend. It could be worse lads, you could be Uncle!!!
Big Mik get yourself down on Sunday, its a nice little run down the A1 on ya rocket bike.
Time to prove why we've ALWAYS been the best team in the north east!!
Tue 13 May 2003
calling from: Newcastle
This is an apology in advance if I can't make it to the game on Sunday. My first exam is the day after. But if I can I'll be there. Tax dodgers, eh! If not then I'll be there for every match after my exams.
Mr Nimmins
Mon 12 May 2003
calling from: Whitley Bay
Been down to the Teesside game. All I am saying is that don't get too cocky. Remember the focus of Div One. Wiggy, how's it going mate?
Mon 12 May 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Sorry for the no show at training yesterday, awoke from a coma like state around 1 after gb the day before...
Fri 09 May 2003
calling from: Cramlington
All the best for the season, well played last game. Everyone played well. Pleased to see the banter has not stopped, remember only stop when they cry. Well I must mention 'Carpets' as he had a belter! C ya all soon - BigMik
Sun 04 May 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Sorry I wasn't there today guys... am still injured but was going to come anyway, just didn't have the money to get there and back... but I'll be there next week even if I have to walk... SOZ again.
Sun 04 May 2003
calling from: Gateshead
Cheers to all those rookies who turned up for training today, showing their commitment to the club. Just because we've won 2 games doesn't mean the championship's been won, theres plenty of room for improve especially on offense. Lets see a good turn out at training next week, usual time, usual place.
David Nimmins
Wed 30 Apr 2003
calling from: Whitley Bay
Just want to say thank you to my O line on Sunday esp. the carpet carrier. Keep it up and let's go after the Bowl Game!
dave 'wiggy' williams
Sat 26 Apr 2003
calling from: slough, berkshire
great result lads! couldn't have asked for a better start. hi davie nimmins and happy birthday mate. howz the knees? can't be too bad with that diving catch.
Mon 21 Apr 2003
calling from: Edinburgh
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the game yesterday. Although the scoreline wasn't what we were aiming for, it was a good test. See you for the rematch.
Wolves #22
dave "wiggy" williams
Sat 19 Apr 2003
calling from: slough, berkshire
good decision to drop a division to re-build. always checking up on you lot and game results. still waiting for my other half to give the nod for us to move up north. time is moving on and im not getting any younger.
hope you all have an ENJOYABLE and SUCCESSFUL season. shame you're not playing down south but i will try and visit whenever im in the area.
longing to play again!!!
Stuey #34
Thu 17 Apr 2003
calling from: Kent
Good Luck to the senators for the season, especially to my pals Mike, Gil-o-tine and Jimbo Waite. Have a great year, don`t get injured, hope to see yas in the playoffs
Terry Treloar
Mon 14 Apr 2003
calling from: Gateshead
Let make it short and sweet. The start of a new season is just round the corner. The game against Edinburgh will probalarly set you up for a good season. No doubt the game against Glasgow will bring back memories for some of games against Glasgow Diamonds.
Sun 13 Apr 2003
calling from: Edinburgh
Hey guys,
Just wanted to drop you a message and wish you the best for the season ahead. Enjoyed banging heads with you all at EK in Div 1, & now im with Edinburgh, look forward to doing it all again!!
See you all on Sunday, and enjoy a beer after the game.
Gary Bear
Fri 11 Apr 2003
calling from: Gateshead
I don't understand all the moans n groans about our little get together last Sunday we all know it wasn't about who scored what, but how we could play with so many new players. Well it goes without saying all the new players and old alike came together and played as one last Sunday, it took me back to seasons past and for the first time in years I enjoyed playing again. Don't know why but there was just a different buzz about it all, hope we can carry it on into the season. By the someone wrote that we won on Sunday 2 scores to 1, not that it matters but I seem to remember just a couple more than that not forgetting the two safeties???????? & Mark's beer run LOL.
Well anyway time to go, see you all Sunday.
Wolves #55
Wed 09 Apr 2003
calling from: Edinburgh
Just a quick note/invite to say, that as our game is easter sunday and therefore the majority have the monday off work, the wolves have decided to celebrate our first bsl game on sunday night. If any of you would like to join us out on the town the you are more than welcome.
I will look into hostel details and if anyone is intersted then drop me an email at the above address.
See you on the 20th,
Ali May
Wolves Centre/Secretary
Roy Davis
Wed 02 Apr 2003
calling from: Sunderland
Good luck this weekend guys. See you all later in the season.
Tue 01 Apr 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Just wanted to know if it possible to bring my registration form to the game on Sunday or is it too late to play in the game as I haven't registered. Also how much is it for the bus?
Gary Bear
Tue 01 Apr 2003
calling from: Gateshead
Skipsey you must be getting to old man, its a shame like as i was looking forward to as you put it knocking heads with you? thing is though this QB,s knocking heads businss iv'e never met one yet that does it??????? i guess we will never find out now.
well whatever you get up to this year mate good luck & remember its never to late to sign for the GI'S.
Jonathan Wade
Tue 01 Apr 2003
calling from: Fenham
i would like to come along and watch with the prospect of joining, i have previously played for ballymena wolfhounds and carrick knights.
Mark Skipsey
Mon 31 Mar 2003
calling from: Washington
Just to wish you good luck for the season, fellas. Unfortunately, I'll not get to knock heads against you this season, but I'm sure you'll do the Northeast proud and bring back that Div2 trophy!
Wed 19 Mar 2003
calling from: Peterlee
Very Interested in joining or learning American Football- Have spoke to Eric Walker whom I work with and he has shown me this website and printed me off some info- Is it too late or can I still join?--
Please contact me at email address
Thank you
Head Coach
Thu 06 Mar 2003
calling from: Prudhoe
Thanks for your posting, you can always nominate Sal and even Scott for inclusion next year.
The reason 'The Woot' didn't make the Hall of Fame is that he is pulling on the pads once more and will be where he belongs - on the field with his 'Sunday Family'.
Hope to see you at some of our games this year.
Gary M.
Rob Grahamslaw
Sun 02 Mar 2003
calling from: Marlborough, Wiltshire
Thanks to everyone that voted for me. No doubt about it that was the best time of my life.
See you all for a drink
Terry Treloar
Sun 02 Mar 2003
calling from: Gateshead
Well at last the Hall of Fame results. Congratulations to all. As Gary has said no real surprises, however would have expected Steve Wooten to be included. The Canadian duo of course was no surprise but what happened to Sal Santarino? Sorry to see you are dropping a division but will probably prove a wise decision while you start a team recruitment, and it's better to have a fighting chance in a game than no chance at all.
Good luck for the coming season
Maybe I may be able to see more games this season
Gus Berridge
Sat 01 Mar 2003
calling from: East Grinstead West Sussex
Hi Senators,
I'm going to be moving up north hopefully this year , and may be interested in playing, only problem is , I'm not getting any younger!!
I'll definatley come along to your games/training sessions , I currentley play for Sussex Thunder in div 2.
Good Luck for the coming season,
Gus Berridge.
Sat 01 Mar 2003
calling from: Newcastle
To my Sunday family - Sorry to do this to you guys but due to "Personal Problems" I may have difficulty making training. Without going into too much detail let's just say Rapper will have some idea of what I'm going through. But I promise that I will do all I can to get myself sorted before our first game on 20/4/03 against Edinburgh to ensure I'm there to do my bit for the BEST B**STARD TEAM IN THE B**STARD LAND. I pledge my faith to my Sunday family and plead for understanding at this difficult time in my life.
Forever a Senator!!
Mark Sloan
Wed 26 Feb 2003
calling from: Preston
Just a quick line to say how honoured I am to be in Hall of Fame. As they say on the telly, "thanks to everyone that voted for me". It really means a lot to me. Right sentimental bit over. Hopefully will be up to practice this weekend as Gary tells me the Woot is a tad out of shape and needs to be bullied into getting fitter. I look forward to seeing you all there. Thanks again.
Mon 24 Feb 2003
calling from: Sunderland
Uncle, you have no chance of beating the Woot at tackles, he never played in one game and still got all my tackles.
Fri 21 Feb 2003
calling from: Newcastle
You only need one D lineman and that is the daddy i.e. yours truly. I will be racking up the stats this year I might even beat the Woot at tackles per season!!
Humey Carpet
Tue 18 Feb 2003
calling from: The Beautiful Seaside Resort of South Shields - We gotta Beach ya naa!!
Derek, there are 2 reasons why I can't play D line.....they're called brain cells, I've got 1 too many!! (or is that 2??).
wiso from spain
Mon 17 Feb 2003
calling from: Cadiz
well, sometimes is better a step back to get the best run.
Best wishes, see you around I am coming back probably on march.
Mon 17 Feb 2003
calling from: Sunderland
Humey, you're right. If we don't get any more D -linemen you will have to play (good old team spirit).
Terry Treloar
Mon 17 Feb 2003
calling from: Gateshead
I am still waiting to see the inductees to the Hall of Fame. If you are having problems collating the results I would only be to happy to help.
From an ex player
Terry T
Humey Carpet
Mon 17 Feb 2003
calling from: Newcastle
It appears this Ross chap has difficulty spelling......We need some D lineman!!!!!
Sun 16 Feb 2003
calling from: Morpeth
Hay senators, only a couple of u might remember me (wimmie u gave me dem videos) ive bn realy anxious in tryin to get back into playin football for you guys 4 agez, but every time i try no1 gets bk to me. when i can come bk to trainin could u PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ e-mail me lettin me know, because i realy love playin da sport. plz get bk 2 me. Ross
Thu 13 Feb 2003
calling from: nottingham caesars
sorry to ceeee that you have to drop out of div 1
we`ve been there and now we are rebuilding
so can u .
what's div 1 lost is div 2 gain look forward to ceeeing u and banging some heads !!!
Baggy #13
Thu 13 Feb 2003
calling from: Glasgow
Gary and guys,
can't believe you guys wil not be cracking heads with us this year :-( totally gutted.
Anyways best of luck and hopefully i will see you lot on the Sat before the Div 1/2 finals for a few pe-game shandys :-)
Glenn Parke
Mon 03 Feb 2003
calling from: Melbourne Australia - Crusaders
To the Best Team in the UK - Hope the re-building goes well and the Seantors can take their rightful place atop the BSL. Scott and I are still trying to work out ways to spend the season in Newcastle something about the beer and the Girls. Cheers from the Aussie Sunday Relations.
Glenn & Scott
Phil Young
Fri 31 Jan 2003
calling from: Chester-Le-Street
When does the fixture list come out. love watching the NFL & if I can get to the Stadium would like to watch the game liv. Phil
Fri 31 Jan 2003
calling from: Stockton-on-Tees
Is there a Senators youth team coz I have always been interested in american football & i watch it every week on channel 5 & would like to start playing it instead of watching it on the t.v.
Phil Young
Thu 30 Jan 2003
calling from: Chester-Le-Street
Nice site when are 2003 fixtures going to be anounced? Phil
Wed 29 Jan 2003
calling from: BRAZIL
Hi everybody, I am the spanish who play (a little) in the season 2001, I am coming back to UK probably to NC, I have read some messages about people who left senator to play in other team, I played in other althoug spanish team, do you care????!!!!!! hehehe, I guess not,
Best wishes for senators.
see u soon
Richard Lancaster
Wed 29 Jan 2003
calling from: High Heaton, Newcastle
Ay up Parker (Sorry had to do at least one hello)...I was wondering the same as Parker, Do you have a Youth Squad or know of any youth teams around Newcastle because I've always been interested in contact sports (I play Rugby at the moment) and would like to try my hand at American Football
Steve 'BJ' Poolton
Tue 28 Jan 2003
calling from: Ipswich
Looking at the write up for last season, it seems Davey Nimmins is still running well. Good to see an old Trojan still playing Dave. I'm hoping to try out for the Ipswich Cardinals this year, after many years out, so if any of the old junior Trojans or Blyth Vikings read this I'd like to hear from them. (that includes you Ramsey and Ian Rowe!)
ps. a bit of a pisser for the Raiders @ the weekend. :(
David Parker
Tue 28 Jan 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Have you got a youth team as I am really interested in getting into a team.
Mon 27 Jan 2003
calling from: LONDON
Is there anyone out there that knows if there is a web site for the London Ravens. I used to play for the greatest european team during the years of 89' to 91'. All the best for this web site, hopefully it can help me track down some of my old friends. MEL 52 !!
ian storey
Mon 20 Jan 2003
calling from: Newcastle
Good luck for the up coming season lads and when my shift changes from a sunday i will come down for a chat
Dave Cochrane
Sun 19 Jan 2003
calling from: Dumfries
Re Mike Kents Riggins comment,HI I was there too! x-team mate!
Dave Cochrane Carlisle Kestrels 87-89 *44 running back, gave my number (and shirt that I never got back) to Tommy Lockhart when I retired !
any other ex team mates out there?
would be good to get in touch.
Sat 18 Jan 2003
calling from: Newcastle
I just seen a qoute from Henry V on the Cougars' website - rings a bell!!
I also see that we appear to have given an award to someone who has since decided this team is not good enough for him!!
Derek Parry
Fri 17 Jan 2003
calling from: Sunderland
Well Wimmie, here is another SENATOR who isn't going anywhere, see you all on Sunday. If others want to play for other teams let them go, but never let them back. #38
PS Eagles for the Superbowl.
wimmie #23
Thu 16 Jan 2003
calling from: Newcastle
I knew the real SENATORS would never leave to go and play 4 another team.
Mon 13 Jan 2003
calling from: Newcastle
I know the feeling Wimmie but let me assure you that although the Sunday family is now a little smaller it's stronger than ever, in hard times families stick together!!! See ya Sunday.
Mon 13 Jan 2003
calling from: Newcastle
I can't believe there are some Senators who are thinking about playing for an other team. As you all know I'm not from here but I've always been proud of being a Senator, it should be the same for all of the members of the so called Sunday family. Have you forgotten the O's game?
Mark Robinson aka Chewy
Thu 02 Jan 2003
calling from: Aberdeen
Just found the website - used to play for the Senators when we were at the old County Ground and McCracken Park (Northern RFC) and people like Hulk and Wade were about. Good to see there are one or two names I still recognise - Gary Marshall and Steve - but don't know if you'll remember me!!! Good luck for the new season, and I'll be checking in to see how you're doing!!