Norfilm Ltd
Television Production in Shetland

People we like

Garry Sandison - the best stills photographer in Orkney or Shetland and Norfilm second camera. Garry shoots stills on medium format, 35mm and digital. Specialising in social photography, his landscapes are pretty cool too!

phone +44(0) 1595 696700 or email him at

Jonathan Wills - writer, broadcaster, environmentalist, boatman and wildlife guide. His boat has an underwater DV camera and Jonathan has the knowledge to use it to best advantage.

Contact him at, visit his website at

SIBC - most northerly commercial radio station in Britain run by husband and wife team Ian and Inga Anderson, with the help of son Bo and Ian's sister Estelle. Together they provide a 24/365 music station throughout Shetland on 96.2 MHz .

Contact them at, or visit the website at, phone +44(0) 1595 695299 or fax (0)1595 695696 - really great local website. Davie Gardner - Shetland's "Mister Music" is doing a great job and can tell you everything you want to know about the local music scene.

Contact, visit or phone Davie on +44(0)1595 694001, fax +44(0)1595 692941



Norfilm Limited, 1 Andrewstown Terrace, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0SY Scotland
Tel: +44(0) 1595 692661 Fax: +44(0) 1595 692661