Top Ten Books of the 20th Century - Dave's List

As we approach the end of the final century of this millenium, which books would you include in your top ten of the 20th century? Contribute your selections to the master list and browse through those already submitted - you might find a classic you've missed.

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Dave's Top Ten

  1. Touching the Void, Joe Simpson
  2. The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy: Douglas Adams
  3. On Peak Rock, BMC
  4. This Other Eden, Ben Elton
  5. Moon, James Herbert
  6. Advanced Hanggliding Techniques, Dennis Pagan
  7. The Hard Years, Joe Brown
  8. Silence Of the Lambs, Thomas Harris
  9. Popcorn, Ben Elton
  10. Chaos, Richard Gleich
  11. Dune, Frank Herbert

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September 1999