A Page About CCG's

This page contains various information on CCG's that maybe usful to people. Also from this page you cand find infomation on cards that I am selling.

Card games covered

Magic the Gathering.
Jyhad/Vampire: The Eternal Struggle.

Magic the Gathering

I am currently Selling off my magic collection. The list of cards can be found here. This sale is only open to people in the UK, so as to keep posting cost down. If anyone from outside the UK would like some of these cards then you will have to pay P & P. All payments are to be made out in sterling, either chque or postel order, no cash please as this could go warkies. Send an e-mail to me at mark.randle@zetnet.co.uk to check that the desiered card is available.


Rage in my mind is probably the best CCG at the minute. This could be me being biased, as I like to play Werewolf: The apocalypse.

Also for All those poeple that have a PC, this program maybe of use to you. The Rage Deck Construction Kit by Raul M. Rodriguez.