The life of a miner is a dangerous occupation. From the moment he sets foot in the cage to descend to his work,
he is in constant danger of a violent death, or of injury that will render life a burden to him.
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Site last updated.»»- Mon 9th March 2015
The Webmasters
Copyright Michael Martin, son Colin & Chris Sparling.
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Although every effort is made to
ensure accuracy on the web pages, the Webmasters cannot take
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views expressed in the pages are from other parties and not
necessarily those of the author. May I take this opportunity to
thank the many people, from all over the world, who have kindly
sent me items and photographs to enrich the content of these
I also wish to express my sincere thanks to the Ministry of
Defence for granting Web Site Licence (MOD WSL 028) to display
appropriate Crown Copyright photographs and aerial images on
this website.
The author: Michael
"Crown Copyright is
reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her
Majesty's Stationery Office"