In some cases, a MAC algorithm based on a particular UniversalHash may be defined (e.g. UMAC32 is based on UHASH32). Alteratively, a DEM or MAC construction can be defined generically in terms of any UniversalHash. (UST may be an example of this.)
× UHASH16[(signedFlag, preferredEndian,l1KeyLen,outputLen)] | UniversalHash Construction |
Note that the signed default is different from UHASH32.
String signedFlag
[creation/read, default "S"] -
"S" for signed, or "U" for unsigned.
String preferredEndian
[creation/read, default "LE"] -
"LE" for little-endian, or "BE" for big-endian.
Integer l1KeyLen
[creation/read, default 1024] - the length
of the seed (or counter) value, in bytes.
Integer outputLen
[creation/read, default 8] - the length
of the hash output in bytes.
× UHASH32[(signedFlag, preferredEndian,l1KeyLen,outputLen,cipher)] | UniversalHash Construction |
Note that the unsigned default is different from UMAC16.
String signedFlag
[creation/read, default "U"] -
"S" for signed, or "U" for unsigned.
String preferredEndian
[creation/read, default "LE"] -
"LE" for little-endian, or "BE" for big-endian.
Integer l1KeyLen
[creation/read, default 1024] - the length
of the seed (or counter) value, in bytes.
Integer outputLen
[creation/read, default 8] - the length
of the hash output in bytes.
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