PRF and KDF algorithms
A Pseudo-Random Function family, or PRF, expands a key and a seed to a pseudo-random
output, which is usually of variable length. Normally the key should be chosen
uniformly at random (or at least with high entropy), but the seed can be any byte
A PRF is sometimes called a Key Derivation Function, or KDF, especially when it
is used to derive or "separate" keys.
(Note that the classification used in this version of SCAN is different from
that in previous versions: functions with variable-length output that are always
used with only one input, rather than separate seed and key inputs, are treated
as MessageDigests. The only example of this was MGF1.)
Key derivation algorithms intended for use with low-entropy inputs (e.g.
passwords or passphrases) are classified separately, in the
PassphraseHash section.
? HMAC-PRF(digest) | PRF Construction
- Designers:
- David Hopwood
(HMAC: Mihir Bellare,
Ran Canetti,
Hugo Krawczyk,
Adi Shamir)
- Published:
- 2000 (HMAC: June 1996)
- Description:
- HMAC-PRF is defined as:
HMAC-PRF(digest)(key, seed) =
HMAC(digest)(key, I2OSP4(0) || seed) ||
HMAC(digest)(key, I2OSP4(1) || seed) ||
HMAC(digest)(key, I2OSP4(2) || seed) || ...
The maximum output length of the PRF is
232 × (output length of digest).
- References:
- [Def, Impl (for HMAC)] M. Bellare, R. Canetti, H. Krawczyk,
"HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication,"
RFC 2104, February 1997.
- [Def, An (for HMAC)] M. Bellare, R. Canetti, H. Krawczyk,
"Keying hash functions for message authentication,"
Extended abstract in Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '96 Proceedings,
Volume 1109 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (N. Koblitz, ed.).
Springer-Verlag, 1996.
Full paper:
- [Inf (for HMAC)] M. Bellare, R. Canetti, H. Krawczyk,
"Message authentication using hash functions: The HMAC construction,"
RSA Laboratories' CryptoBytes vol. 2, no. 1, Spring 1996.
- Parameters:
String digest
[creation/read, no default] - the name
of the Block MessageDigest on which this PRF is to be based.
- Key length:
- Any multiple of 8 bits that does not cause the maximum input length for the
MessageDigest to be exceeded.
- Missing information:
- Test vectors.
? KDF2(digest) | PRF Construction
- Designers:
- P1363 Working Group
- Published:
- 2001
- Description:
- KDF2 is defined as:
KDF2(digest)(key, seed) =
digest(key || I2OSP4(1) || seed) ||
digest(key || I2OSP4(2) || seed) ||
digest(key || I2OSP4(3) || seed) || ...
The maximum output length of the PRF is
(232 - 1) × (output length of digest).
See the comments below concerning compatibility with IEEE P1363a.
- References:
- Parameters:
String digest
[creation/read, no default] - the name
of the message digest on which this PRF is to be based.
- Key length:
- Any multiple of 8 bits that does not cause the maximum input length for the
MessageDigest to be exceeeded.
- Missing information:
- Test vectors.
- Comments:
- This algorithm has changed incompatibly (twice) from SCAN 1.0.12. It
now aligns more closely with P1363a, if seed is considered to
be the "key derivation parameters".
- If the current P1363a definition of KDF2 were used with a little-bit-endian
message digest, then it would be incompatible with this algorithm.
This is because, in the P1363a definition, byte string key and seed
inputs are converted to a bit string using the OS2BSP primitive (which
always uses big-bit-endian order), and then processed by the digest
function using its native bit order. Therefore the bits in each byte
of the key and seed would need to be reversed, relative to the algorithm
defined here.
However, P1363a only defines KDF2 for a specific set
of message digest functions: SHA-1, SHA-{256,384,512}, and RIPEMD-160.
All of these are big-bit-endian, and so there is no incompatibility
in practice. It is likely that if some future amendment of IEEE Std 1363
allowed any little-bit-endian digest functions, it would correct this
bit order problem.
- Security comments:
- Extension attacks are possible on the seed, due to the Merkle-Damgård
structure of most message digest algorithms. The suggested way to prevent
these attacks is to ensure that the seed has a prefix-free encoding.
- In section 12.3 of the cited paper by Victor Shoup, use of KDF2
for applications that require entropy smoothing,
is criticised as being dependent on the security of "a quite unorthodox
construction that does not appear to be based on any well-worn or otherwise
sound principles."
- Designers:
- Netscape Communications Corp.
- Description:
- SSL3-PRF is defined as:
SSL3-PRF(key, seed) =
MD5(key || SHA-1("A" || key || seed)) ||
MD5(key || SHA-1("BB" || key || seed)) ||
MD5(key || SHA-1("CCC" || key || seed)) || ...
A maximum of 26 × 16 = 416 bytes may be generated.
When used as a KDF, set seed to the zero-length string.
- References:
- Key length:
- Any multiple of 8 bits that does not cause the maximum input length for
MD5 or SHA-1 to be exceeeded.
- Missing information:
- Test vectors.
- Comment:
- When SSL3-PRF is used to implement SSL version 3, the master_secret
described in the SSL specification corresponds to the PRF key, and
(ServerHello.random || ClientHello.random) corresponds to the PRF seed.
- Designers:
- IETF Transport Layer Security Working Group
- Published:
- January 1999
- Description:
- TLS-PRF is defined as follows:
TLS-PRF(key, seed) =
PMD5(S1, seed) XOR PSHA-1(S2, seed)
Lkey = length in bytes of key
LS1 = LS2 = ceiling(Lkey / 2)
S1 = first LS1 bytes of key
S2 = last LS2 bytes of key
AH(0) = seed
AH(i) = HMAC(H)(key, AH(i-1)), for i > 0
PH(S1, seed) =
HMAC(H)(key, AH(1) || seed) ||
HMAC(H)(key, AH(2) || seed) ||
HMAC(H)(key, AH(3) || seed) || ...
- References:
- [Def] T. Dierks, C. Allen,
"The TLS Protocol Version 1.0,"
RFC 2246,
January 1999.
- [Test] To: "IETF Transport Layer Security WG" <>
Subject: PRF Testvector for the standard
From: Rene Eberhard <>
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 03:33:57 -0400
- Key length:
- Any multiple of 8 bits that does not cause the maximum input length for
MD5 or SHA-1 to be exceeeded.
- Comment:
- When TLS-PRF is used to implement the TLS protocol, the "label" argument to
the PRF should be prepended to the seed. The key is referred to as the "secret"
by the TLS specification. I.e. where the TLS spec
says "PRF(secret, label, seed)",
this may be implemented as
"TLS-PRF(secret, label || seed)".
- Security comment:
- The intention of using both MD5 and SHA-1 in the design was to try
to ensure that weaknesses in only one of these hashes would not cause
any security problem. However, only the first half of the key is used
in PMD5, and only the second half in PSHA-1. This
means that the security cannot be guaranteed to depend on the stronger
of MD5 and SHA-1, unless there is sufficient entropy in both the first
and last halves of the input key. If the key contains non-random fields
(e.g. the version field in the master secret for TLS RSA ciphersuites),
these will only affect one of PMD5 or PSHA-1.
Arguably, this does not matter much in practice because either
PMD5 or PSHA-1 would be secure PRFs on their own.
Alleged PRFs and KDFs