Technology Studies

I am taking time out this year but I intend to return next year to complete the degree course I started with the Open University Faculty of Technology.

My main area of study is Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient Building. A lot of important work is being done in this country by the Energy and Environment research department of the the Open University, and the associated National Association for Technology Testing and Assessment (NATTA).

The Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales has a more "hands-on" approach The Centre itself runs on Wind,Water,Solar thermal and Photovoltaic power. Their buildings are super-insulated and the whole site attempts to be self-sufficient. It is open to the public all Summer, and well worth a visit. 
Another technological interest of mine is electro-acoustic music. One of these days I would love to get hold of a Theremin - an early type of electronic musical instrument that dates back to the 1940's. It is unique in that you do not actually touch the instrument while playing; waving the hands close to two aerials will change the pitch and the volume. It's a difficult thing to master by all accounts, but fascinating. It was used by Edgar Varese and others in some classical works, and you can hear it in "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys and "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin as well as the music for quite a few horror films.

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