Gay Stuff

  • When I was young, the law and social pressure made it difficult for young gay men and lesbians to get information and support. This led to isolation, depression and often forced, loveless marriages. The Gay Liberation movement of the 1970s onwards has (thankfully) made life a lot easier for youngsters growing up gay today.

  • We have resources such as Gay Times The Pink Paper and other magazines; there are gay characters in TV dramas and soap operas, phone lines such as the many Lesbian and Gay Switchboards and a host of positive role models.

    My MP is an "out" gay man; that would have been unthinkable a few years ago, now it raises few eyebrows.

    There are many internet resources too, usenet groups like and and bi for starters. 

  • You can open an account with gay run ISP Direct Connection,
  • Book a holiday abroad with gay travel company Uranian Travel,
  • Check out information and help available for those living with HIV
  • Even join an interactive gay soap opera,Gaydaze.
  • If you are up for it there are places like GAyXchangewhere you can search for a partner.
  • Best of all, check out the biggest day in the gay calender; PRIDE 97

There are hundreds of other websites, too many to list here, but links from Gay Times will lead you to plenty.