Atari Wrinklies Club
On Line
Welcome to the pages of A.W.C.
It's time for a complete revision of the A.W.C. pages since it's closure
during the latter part of 1999.
Just to re-cap the Club's history, A.W.C. was started started during the
1990's by Jim (Jimbo) Hornby for the more "mature" members of the Atari
community. Jimbo reluctantly handed over the reins of the Club due to
ill health to myself (Roy) and a fellow member (Ed) in November 1998,
and we have been looking after the interests of the Club for the past
12 months.
Sadly due to declining membership over this period the Club has now ceased
to function along with the newsletters that were issued to members.
I am however willing to keep the name "alive" if only for a very limited
few remaining members via these pages.
Five issues of the newsletters were produced and you can have a look
at what they contained by clicking on the issue number below. Some of the
articles are also available for viewing.
You may also contact me with any comments, or if you have something you
want included on the letters page.
Wishing everybody a Very Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year
Mail me
Latest News - click on the button
Letters page - click on the button
Roy (Editor)