Diocesan Arms Scottish Episcopal Church
Diocese of Argyll & The Isles
St Peter's Church, Stornoway

Francis Street, Stornoway.  The church is at the top end of Francis Street near Matheson Road.

St Peter's, Stornoway

Rector: Rev Stanley J G Bennie, 10 Springfield Road, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, HS1 2PT
Tel: 01851 703 609
Fax: 0870 916 3564
Mobile: 07768 660 612
Email: stornoway@argyll.anglican.org


Sundays: 8.30am - Holy Communion; 11.00am - Sung Eucharist; 7.00pm - Evensong
Wednesdays: (Normally but not always) Holy Communion - 10.00am
Saints Days: 10.00am (or as arranged) - Holy Communion


After Episcopacy was disestablished at the Revolution Settlement in 1690, a few families in lewis remained faithful to the Church.  They petitioned the Bishop to send priests to minister to them and a succession of visiting clergymen served the congregation intermittently until well into the 19th Century.

St Peter's Church was built in 1838 and dedicated in 1839; it was consecrated in 1898.  The chancel was added in 1954 and the congregation gained incumbency status in 1985.

The organ, which was a gift from Lady Matheson in 1887, was repaired and restored in 1985 by Johnson of Derby.  Among other valuable gifts made to the church over the years are a "Breeches" bible and David Livingstone's Prayer Book.  The oak pulpit came from King's College, London. The stone bowl used as a font was brought from the Flannan Isles and is very old.  It stands within a modern font.

Link to Weekly news sheet