Environmental Policy Statement

The Directors of the Company recognise their duties with regard to Environmental Protection Legislation and will, where appropriate and feasible, improve upon the requirements of all relevant legislation.

The Company acknowledges the environmental implications of its activities and will cause the operations to be carried out in such a manner as to ensure a high standard of Health, Safety and Environmental care.

The Company considers environmental issues an integral part of its Health and Safety strategy and accordingly its Safety Manual and associate procedures take these into account.

In order to meet its commitment, the Company will define the responsibilities of all its employees in respect of Health, Safety and Environmental Protection Processes.

At tender, contract award and purchasing, all aspects of environmental implications are taken into consideration. Prior to commencement of Contract, assessments are completed which reflect not only the hazards/risks and precautions required in order to protect against those risks but also the environment in which the works are taking place.

The Company has appointed Mr. M. Green as co-ordinator in the implementation of environmental arrangements. Duties will be to :-

  1. Monitor performance and take, where necessary, corrective action.
  2. Promote the development of improved standards and methods that are energy conscious and utilise material in an efficient manner.
  3. Cause the impact of the Company's operations on the environment to be controlled in such a manner that the effects are contained or reduced to an acceptable level.
  4. Promote and maintain close association with enforcing authorities and environmental organisations, as appropriate.
  5. Promote environmental awareness of Company employees and other persons under our control.

M. Bird (Managing Director) : 15 May 1997