The designs below are GIFs but were originally Vector or Artworks files. A zip file of the components of each group is available in DrawFile (Acorn) 57k or WMF 30k format and can be better adapted for a variety of uses, such as posters, cards, tickets. Vector images (Drawfiles or WMF) are better for scaling, giving smoother edges. You can also rearrange the components or make a selection to suit your design. A bow from the Bows and Eggs page would make a suitable addition for a Valentine (Eggs, bows, hearts and roses are all in one zip file).
The hearts below are JPEGs as the colour shading would not convert to 256 for a GIF, and so do not have transparent masks. The vector graphic versions are more suitable for use.
As this site is a development area I would be grateful if you would please email any comments or questions to me at .