cont.jpeg - 4Kb


butg.jpeg - 4Kb

The designs below are GIFs but were originally Vector or Artworks files. A zip file of the components of each group is available in DrawFile (Acorn) 57k or WMF 30k format; these do not have any shaded or interpolated fills, just flat colours, but can be adapted for a variety of uses, such as posters, cards, tickets. Click here to see an example. Vector images (Drawfiles or WMF) are better for scaling, giving smoother edges. You can also rearrange the components or make a selection to suityour design.
sd.gif - 14Kb sds.gif - 4Kb
pr.gif - 31Kb prs.gif - 14Kb
bb.gif - 14Kb bbs.gif - 6Kb
tlp.gif - 24Kb tlps.gif - 8Kb
dfgp.gif - 20Kb dfgps.gif - 7Kb

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