Title : Rank Programmer: Anthony J Doggett Calculator: TI-83 Date : Jul 97 Function : Ranks a list of numbers (entered previously or at the time) Useful for my psychology! DelVar _TMP ;"_" = the small "L" for List DelVar _COUNT DelVar _IN Input " Enter List Name",Str1 ClrHome expr(Str1) -> _TMP ;"->" = "store" symbol _TMP->_IN dim(_TMP) -> T seq(A,A,1,T) -> _COUNT SortA(_TMP,_COUNT) 1 -> C While C <= T ;"<=" = "smaller than or equal to" _TMP(C) -> A C -> B C -> I If C < T : Then While _TMP(C+1)=A I+C+1 -> I C+1 -> C End : End For(J,B,C) I / (C-B+1) -> _TMP(J) End C+1 -> C End SortA(_COUNT,_TMP) SetUpEditor _COUNT,_IN,_TMP