School Home | Geography Home





Gregor, Brian, Duncan and Dean who are all members of the Sandwick Junior High School compiled this geography web page. Gregor first got this idea when his teacher asked everyone to start a project of their own which had to be about Geography. We decided to make this web page an additional feature to the current Sandwick School Internet page.
Brian and Gregor typed up most of the information on this page. They also took photos of the school from different angles with Duncan. The photos, which are seen below, are of the school from different angles and distances.
Dean produced the links for lots of different sources of information for other pupils to help with their geography homework. Hopefully this will be a very attractive feature to this current web page.
In the near future we hope that other members of the school will contribute to this page with ideas and themes to make it more modern and interesting. So if anyone would like add anything to this page could they please contact a member of the geography department.