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Rua Fiola 1999 Photos

A very tiny selection of photos showing a small fraction of the activities on offer, failing totalling to capture the magic of Rua Fiola!

Please click on any of the images below for an enlarged version

Sleeping in caves. We watched a thunderstorm from here at dusk, and later the stars came out. The photo was taken the following morning.

Cave in the morning

Cave cuisine - mighty tasty, cooked on frazzle.

Cooking on frazzle

A lovely day spent fishing, finished off with a dip in the sea.

A spot of fishing

Little bracing dampness in the air, eh? Let's paddle!

Crossing at low tide

Relaxing in the sun, planning the day ahead.

Relaxing in the sun

Heather tea; a delicious beverage for the discerning cave-dweller.

Purple heather tea in a mess tin

Evening meal: cosy, warm and dry.

The evening meal, by tilly lamp

What's for lunch?

Sitting down to lunch

Excuse me, but you've got something ... yes, just there, ... that's it!

Lobster attached to nostril

Pass the shampoo, will you?

Sitting in the mud-bath

The slide - are you ready?

At the top of the canoe slide

The slide - Is it just me or are we picking up speed?

On the way down the canoe slide

The slide - Can I get off now?

Just prior to entering the water on the canoe slide

The slide - Plop?

Canoe slide - into the water

Collecting firewood

Collecting firewood at dusk

These Voe boats are Shetland made and barely touch the water at top speed!

Riding the wake with Voe Boats