Sandwick Junior High Camping Group

Walls Trip 2001

The group has just returned from their first trip of the season - to the Walls Böd in Shetland. As is traditional for this trip, we visited the Walls swimming pool and sauna, searched for the famous tasty stones, ate lots of food, heard lots of hopeless jokes and terrifying ghost stories.

This trip welcomes the new first year members to the camping group (any new S1 are still welcome to join). Our next trip could be a Hallowe'en theme night! Enjoy the photos - each is a link to a more detailed view.

Preparing and eating the evening meal Preparing and eating the evening meal Hey everyone, look what I had for tea! An intensive search for tasty stones The search for tasty stones continues apace Games, jokes, and ghost stories Games, jokes, and ghost stories Games, jokes, and ghost stories On the Hill Fighting with his jacket! A sudden squall interrupts the sunshine Caption Wanted Inside the emergency shelter Inside the emergency shelter Inside the emergency shelter

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Page Author: Chris McGinlay. Hit Count from 09/09/01