Create a simple Web page using HTML

  1. Start the Text editor NotePad which should be found in the Accessories folder
  2. Type the following text;

    <title> Hello World! </title>

  3. Save the file with the filename hello.htm

    To View the Web Page
  4. Start the MS Internet Explorer Browser
  5. Click the STOP button on the tool bar
  6. Click on File, Open
  7. Use the browse function to locate and select your new file named hello.htm
  8. Click O.K. to open the file.

    The Page is empty.... but the page has a header of Hello World!
    To add text to the page we have to add the <body> tags
  9. Go back to your Editor and add the following text after the </header> tag

    Now here is some text

  10. Now save the file again, go back to the browser and click the refresh button