Selection Exercise 2

Develop a program to process a set of account transactions. All positive amounts should be accumulated as credits. All negative amounts should be accumulated as debits. The total credits and debits for the period should be displayed. The program should ask the user if there is more input and terminate when the user responds with 'n' or 'N'.


    credits:= 0
    debits:= 0
    display opening menu {LS1}
    read user response {validate for 'c', 'C','n','N'}
    while user response <> 'N' do
        display input screen {LS2}
        read amount
        if amount >= 0 then
            write amount
            credits:= credits + amount
            write credit
        else {amount must be negative}
            write amount
            debits:= debits + amount
            write debits

        display another input prompt
        read response {validate for 'a', 'A','n','N'}

Data Item Table

Data Item Program name Size/Type Range
Credits credits float
Debits debits float
Amount amount float
User response response char 'n' or 'N'

PROGRAM: account.cpp