This section contains news of my updates.
Two months again, so I am begginning to see a habit here..... Anyway, completely removed the conspiracy theories page, as it had caused more adverse a reaction than anything else on the site. Area 51 Abandonware has closed, to see why, go here. byte me is still in a state of non-existance, hopefully it'll be up soon. I'm pretty busy right now, so I'll do some MAJOR updating of this site sometime soon I hope.
Two months since the last update, which is a while. I haev put more films onto the good films page and removed the conspiracy theories page, as I was informed that one of the Teletubbies isn't white (and also, I hadn't got any more to put up). I am currently working on an online magazine, called byte me, which should be up soon.
Whew! Quite a while since last update! Anyway, I have been really busy since the last one, so hence the lack of updates. I've just really tied up some loose ends, such as changed URL's etc. I also added two games to the Games page and two films to the Films page. Also I am moving Area 51's Abandonware Site off the Zetnet space, so it is down temporarily.
Please note that this site was down for the last day and a half due to Zetnet's stupidity. I had to re-upload quite alot, whcih was a pity since Area 51 had never been down before..... ah well. Took down the Downloads page.
Sorry about the length since the last update guys, I've just been spending a large amount of time on the Abandonware Site, which was (finally) added to the Abandonware Ring. I added that cool little "Learn HTML NOW!" graphic to the bottom of the start and main pages and added the conspiracy theories page. I am considering putting up an webdesign page with cool little things that I know, like some JavaScript stuff. BTW, I also got a new free URL, it is That brings my total of URL's up to three; my original one, my one. Oh and on a closing note guys, read the Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, it kicks ass, despite te boring and lengthly first chapter.
2 days since last update and not much action really, except I actually activated the V3 URL. I also added Coolspot and Mad TV to the games page on the Abandonware site.
Again only 4 days since last update. I have been away at a large Scout camp, the Cally Rally, for the last 2 nights (at which my friend dislocated his shoulder!), and, as a result, have been starved of sleep, so please forgive any typos etc. Haven't really done any thing, except changed my V3 URL to, which is MUCH cooler than the last one and submitted my Abandonware site to the Top 30 Abandonware Pages. On the subject of Abandonware Pages, the Abandonware Ring haven't got back to me about my submission yet... My new powered up PC with an extra 32MB of RAM, totalling 48MB, is running like a dream, now trying to persuade my dad to get an ISDN line, I can dream at least......
Only 4 days since last update. I got a more reliable counter fitted, added South Park to the TV programmes bit and changed the date of the last entry in this page from 26/09/98 to 10/10/98. Also submitted my site to be added to the abandonware site is up! I should keep uploading stuff pretty regularly.
Quite a while since the last update, but I've gotten into this cool thing called AbandonWare, and as a result I am putting up my own abandonware page. Should be up soon. Put up the Bulletin Board, again courtesy of Just put anything you feel like on it, but please dont swear.
I got the domain from for free and also added the GuestBook, courtesy of Why not Go and sign it and then view it? I am in the process of getting a Bulletin Board, and should have it up by next update. I haven't even started on the Stonekeep site yet as I've been to busy playing it and doing homework (boo!). See ya next update!
After coming back from holiday, and resting from the site for about 2 weeks, I decided to reverted the site back to its previous form (better, I think you'll agree, in fact mail me on the subject and tell me what you think........ I added the downloads page, which, I must admit, features MAME rahter heavily........ The Star Trek site idea has been suspended indefinitely and I have an idea about starting up a Stonekeep site. I am also attempting to put up a Bulletin Board, can anyone tell me where to get one?
Added the new Film rating page! Not much else has happened really except I've updated the games page with another 3 games, but I've taken down my FFE site due to lack of visitors and my PUNK Software site due to lack of stuff to put on it...... But fear not, I am considering starting my own Star Trek site. More news soon!
Well, I finally got round to it, the major update I had been putting off for ages. And I think you'll agree, it's MUCH better........
Another update! Not too major, I just actually remembered to change the last update date and updated the New Section. I've started to do the new graphics for the redesign. Sneak peek coming soon!
Last update was yesterday, but I decided to remove the bad games section, because it does 2 things:
1. takes up space
2. adds unnecessary time to downloads of this page.
So I removed it! I now know when I'll redesign the site, in the summer holidays, which commence, thankfully, a week today! By the way Java Chat requires a Java savvy browser (e.g. a java supporting browser). I also added the Misc. Section.
Added my chat forum! Not much else has been done, I feel a major redsign of the sites looks coming on, but currently don't have the time to fulfill my urge. By the way, I also added this part!